This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
To get started with the development server, follow these steps:
Install dependencies: Ensure you have all necessary dependencies installed.
pnpm install
Run the development server: Start the development server to see your changes in real-time.
pnpm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
The project structure follows the Next.js App Router conventions and includes the following key directories and files:
: Contains the main application pages and routes./(default)/about/page.tsx
: The About page of the application.
: Contains reusable React components./mdx
: Components related to MDX rendering.mdx.tsx
: Custom MDX components and
: Custom Link component for MDX.utils.ts
: Utility functions for MDX processing.
: Contains the content files, such as blog posts./blog
: Directory for blog posts in MDX format.b2b-vs-b2c-product-management-how-different-are-they-really.mdx
: Example blog post.
The project includes metadata for SEO and social sharing, defined in the metadata
object within each page component. For example, the About page metadata is defined as follows: