Organization: Test
Industry: Financial Sector
Project Description: Some basic equities trading strategies using Daily Returns of S&P500 Stocks
Data Description: Daily returns of 423 stocks in the S&P500 index as of February 2013. Time period of the data: 2003-2013. Data matrix has 2586 rows and 423 columns.
Author(s): T. Evgeniou , N. Nassuphis, D. Spinellis
Author(s)' Affiliations: INSEAD, Satrapade, AUEB
Date: January 2014
(NOTE: The very first time you run the project it may take a couple of minutes as it will also install all necessary R libraries. These are listed in the library.R file in the R_code directory).
[1] Please open and source the file RunStudy.R
This will reproduce the default report and slides of this project, as well as start the web-application for this project
You can then click on the generated HTML files in the doc directory to view the report or the slides.
[2] To modify the project parameters, please edit them in the file
and source this file again. A new report, slides, and (if needed) web application will be launched.
(NOTE: if the web application is running, you will need to first stop that by clicking on the "stop" button in the concole window of your Rstudio)
[3] To modify the text of the report or the slides, please edit the .Rmd files in the Reports_Slides directory. To modify the Web Application please edit the ui.R and server.R files in the tools directory. After any modifications please repeat step 2 to generate the new report, slides, and launch the new Web application.
[4] You can modify the parameters of the project and generate new customized reports through the web application.
Note: Please press the stop button in the Console window to stop running the web application when needed.
Note: Sourcing the RunStudy.R file will create 2 new html file in the doc directory (one for the report and one for the slides). If you want to publish those online, you will need to move them to a gh-pages branch and delete them from the master branch afterwards. To do so please follow the following steps:
commit the files in your master branch
switch to the gh-pages branch (from the Shell (under the Tools menu), type git checkout gh-pages)
Once in the gh-pages branch, you can copy the html files from the master branch by typing in the shell file the command git checkout master doc/SP500_Report.html and git checkout master doc/SP500_Slides.html. Your report and slides are now available online through gh-pages.
You should now go back to the master branch (in the Shell type git checkout master) and delete the 2 html files from the doc directory (before pushing any new material back on your master branch on github).