A pentago AI that implements several algorithms including MCTS (Monte-Carlo Tree Search), PNS (Proof Number Search) and AB (Alpha-Beta). Its primary interface is GTP (Go Text Protocol), but a python webserver that interfaces pentagoo with the gtp protocol is included.
- Simple GTP framework
- Very fast bitboard implementation
- Easy to create new players
- Players Includes:
- AB
- Very strong player, likely the strongest in the world
- Web server integrates very well with the Pentagoo front end (a modified version is included in this project)
- Linux (probably works on any unix)
- C++ tool chain
- Python for the webserver
- Check out the code from github
- Run "make" to compile the code
- To use the GTP interface:
- run ./pentagod
- To use the webserver:
- run ./web.py
- point your browswer at http://localhost:8080/
- Better scoring function
- Based on patterns
- Meaningful range such as win percentage
- Win condition pruning (certain patterns make certain win conditions impossible)
- Negamax
- Randomization when two moves are very similar
- Better time cutoffs
- Use the previous iterations for move ordering, might need better scoring function first
- Improved transposition table
- Better rollouts: patterns, forced moves
- rotate and move as separate moves
- Prove wins/losses to a greater depth
- Use scoring function
- Use a small depth of AB?
- Opening book
- Web/Pentagoo
- Choose opponent AI and time cutoff
- Better move format
- Undo when playing against computers