- Ausführbare Klasse: wikipediaGraphExtractor.GraphBuilderNew.java
- Ggf. anpassen: consideredLanguages, outputPaths, pids, qids
- => erstellt GML und BF files im Ordner graphs
pip install NetComp
Relevante Scripts liegen im Ordner Python
Mehler, A., Hemati, W., Welke, P., Konca, M., & Uslu, T. (2020, November). Multiple texts as a limiting factor in online learning: quantifying (dis-) similarities of knowledge networks. In Frontiers in Education (Vol. 5, p. 562670). Frontiers Media SA. [pdf] [bibtex]
author = {Alexander Mehler and Wahed Hemati and Pascal Welke and Maxim Konca and Tolga Uslu},
title = {Multiple texts as a limiting factor in online learning: quantifying (dis-)similarities of knowledge networks},
journal = {Frontiers in education},
volume = {5},
number = {Article 562670},
doi = {10.3389/feduc.2020.562670},
year = {2020},