File names produced by FTP feature of Foscam camera FI9800p is in the format 'MDAlarm_yyyymmdd-hhmmss.jpg' and sent into a single folder. If there are hundreds of image files not sorted, it becomes chaotic. Often, it is convenient if files are placed in folders in date format.
This python code solves the problem. It scans the FTP created folder, sorts the image files into folders by date. It can also delete old images past a specified days.
I use MotionEye on DietPi (Raspberry Pi) for home surveillance system. I found Foscam camera motion detection works better than the MotionEye motion detection. However, now it doesn't sort image files as MotionEye does. So I created this Python script. It works good with a scheduler like Cron.
Foscam FTP sends image files into a folder ('Out' in this case) followed by Foscam generated names (something like 'FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap').
ls Out/FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap
MDAlarm_20180914-111429.jpg MDAlarm_20180914-111435.jpg MDAlarm_20180913-101415.jpg MDAlarm_20180913-101418.jpg MDAlarm_20180913-101421.jpg MDAlarm_20180912-103040.jpg
There are 6 files with 3 different dates, 20180914, 20180913, and 20180912.
Run by specifying the source folder (Out/FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap) with option '-s' and the destination folder (Uploads) with option '-d', for example:
python -s Out/FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap -d Uploads
chmod +x
./ -s Out/FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap -d Uploads
Then you will have image files nicely sorted into folders by date.
ls Uploads
20180914 20180913 20180912
ls Uploads/20180914
111429.jpg 111435.jpg
ls Uploads/20180913
101415.jpg 101418.jpg 101421.jpg
ls Uploads/20180912
usage: [-h] -s SRC -d DST [--day DAY] [--foscam-format FOSCAM_FORMAT]
[--folder-format FOLDER_FORMAT] [--file-format FILE_FORMAT]
Foscam FTP post process file manager (PPFM)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SRC, --src SRC Source Foscam FTP folder
-d DST, --dst DST Destination folder
--day DAY Days to keep image files (default: 7 days)
--foscam-format FOSCAM_FORMAT
Foscam FTP file name format (default:
--folder-format FOLDER_FORMAT
folder name format (default: %Y%m%d)
--file-format FILE_FORMAT
file name format (default: %H%M%S.jpg)
--keep-files keep the original image files if specified
Confirmed working with Python 2.7 or Python 3.7
Simply download and into a same folder.
It is useful to run this code using scheduler like cron in linux. So I run:
crontab -e
then add the following line (assuming the script in FoscamPPFM folder):
0 */1 * * * python /home/pi/FoscamFTP-PPFM/ -s /home/pi/Out/FI9800P_00123E45E060/snap/ -d /home/pi/Uploads/
This will check Foscam created FTP folder every hour and copy files into Uploads folder sorted by date.
I also use rclone which syncs a folder content to a cloud storage like DropBox. Quite useful.