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Generated Files

Duncan Jones edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 1 revision

header2go produces two files in the output directory. main.go contains all the CGo boilerplate, including the exported functions and any necessary C types we have to include. The functions in this file handle the mapping between C memory and Go memory in a Cgo compliant fashion. Each of the exported functions calls a corresponding Go function in defs.go.

The second file, defs.go, is the skeleton Go implementation of the API. The idea is to completely hide the horrors of CGo in main.go, leaving defs.go as a pure Go implementation. A Go struct is created for each C type used in the exported functions, ensuring that all the function parameters in defs.go are Go types.

To see examples of generated output, look in the translate/testdata directory. The subdirectories contain examples of an input header file and the corresponding main.go and defs.go. These files are used for unit testing.

Here is a quick example to save you jumping straight into the source. For this simple header file:

typedef struct {
    int val3;
} StructB;

typedef struct _StructA {
    int val1;
    StructB val2;
} StructA;

void functionA(StructA a1, long a2);

we get two files:

// main.go

package main


typedef struct  {
  int val3;
} StructB;

typedef struct _StructA {
  int val1;
  StructB val2;
} StructA;

import "C"

func convertToStructB(s C.StructB) StructB {
  return StructB{
    Val3: int16(s.val3),

func convertToStructA(s C.StructA) StructA {
  return StructA{
    Val1: int16(s.val1),
    Val2: convertToStructB(s.val2),

//export functionA
func functionA(a1 C.StructA, a2 C.long) {
  goFunctionA(convertToStructA(a1), int32(a2))

func main() {}
// defs.go

package main

type StructB struct {
  Val3 int16

type StructA struct {
  Val1 int16
  Val2 StructB

func goFunctionA(a1 StructA, a2 int32) {
  // TODO implement goFunctionA
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