Release Quine 1.4.0
The reify.time
procedure now yields only the finest-granularity reified period node for better query ergonomics
Removed nullary
and unary
variants to simplify locIdFrom
Enriched logging in edge cases involving shard resolution
Restructured ingest streams for better consistency and handling of edge-cases involving charset transcoding
Optimized storage of DateTime
to use less space
Simplified node wakeup protocol: edge cases involving simultaneous request to sleep and wake should now be more efficient
Improved API documentation of ingest streams
Add notification preview text for rich Slack messages used as Standing Query outputs
Provide a warning when a full-node scan is detected in ingest query
Added text.urlencode
and text.urldecode
Cypher functions
Added atomic "count" return value to incrementCounter
Added support for decoding steps during ingest (base64, zlib, and gzip)
Standing Queries can now use idFrom-based ID constraints, provided that all arguments to the idFrom are literal values
Rewrote the serialization, persistence, and message passing system used by DistinctId Standing Queries
Change default order of node effects to "persister first", applying in-memory effects only after the persistence operation succeeds
Removed unused / experimental "node merging" behavior
Cassandra persister batched writes now respect configured timeout and consistency options
Long-typed QuineIdProviders will now interoperate correctly with the getHost
singleton-snapshot and journals may now be enabled at the same time
Added a heuristic rate limiter to Kinesis ingest streams to improve stability when Quine reads faster than Kinesis can emit
Improved cluster stability when cluster members experience temporary disconnections
Improved shutdown behavior in failsafe case
UUIDv5 and UUIDv3 id providers now generate correctly bit-masked identifiers
MultipleValues standing queries are now properly restored on nodes where shutdown is started and then cancelled
Node edge and property counts will now be correctly reflected in the metrics dashboard
Improved use case for reify time to ensure reified time nodes have all properties set
Replaced snakeyaml
with snakeyaml-engine
, supporting YAML 1.2
akka to 2.6.20 (contributed by @He-Pin )
bootstrap to 5.2.2
cassandra client to 4.15.0
endpoints4s to 1.8.0
endpoints4s (akka-http) to 7.0.0
endpoints4s (openApi) to 4.2.0
endpoints4s (xhr) to 5.1.0
jquery to 3.6.1
netty-nio-client to 2.17.288
parboiled to 1.4.1
scalajs to 1.11.0
rocksdb to 7.6.0
scalajs-dom to 2.3.0
flatbuffers-java to 22.10.26
dropwizard metrics to 4.2.12
logback to 1.4.4
apache commons to 1.10.0
protobuf-java to 3.21.8
Novelty: graal to 22.2.0
Memeid4s to 0.7.0
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