Docs for Chart.js:
- Create a Developer Edition org. and reset your token:
- Click on your org profile icon
- Select settings
- Click Reset My Security Token in the left-hand side panel
- Download the unmanaged package from here:
- Clone the Caliber-v3-Reports repository to your local machine.
- Create a project in the same directory that your cloned repository is located in.
- The project name MUST be: Caliber-v3-Reports (Use your Developer Edition org's credentials to create the project)
- Choose Initial Project Contents: Select NONE
- Error might be thrown, just check to make sure that it was created correctly.
- Open git bash in your project's directory and create your branch.
- git branch branch_name
- git checkout branch_name
- git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master branch_name
Make sure all changes are made in your branch.
To update your org with changes made in your IDE, right click Caliber-v3-Reports folder > > Deploy to Server