The general relationship between the four micro-controllers is:
Light <= Console <=> Tower, Music
That is, Console has a unidirectional relationship with Light (I/O pins), and bidirectional relationships with Tower (radio) and Music (serial).
- Arduino Pro Mini controlling WS2812 RGB pixel strips to light rim and buttons on the console.
- Has 4x GPIO pin connection via Console(Light).
- JeeNode controlling tower lights and fire.
- Has RFB12b connection for two-way communication via Console(Tower).
- Arduino Pro Mini controlling VS1053 music breakout.
- Has Serial connection for two-way communication via Console(Sound).
- Arduino Mega controlling the Simon implementation.
- Arranged around submodules mirroring the outboard micro-controllers and internal functions:
- Button: Responsible for hard buttons on a PCB. Used for debugging purposes.
- Extern: Responsible for interfacing with other projects via RFM12b (currently: Clouds, Giles).
- Gameplay: Responsible for Simon implementation as a Finite State Machine.
- Touch: Responsible for UX input via MPR121 capsense breakout.
- Light: Responsible for UX (light) output local to the console. Coordinates outboard Light.
- Tower: Responsible for UX (light/fire) output to Towers. Coordinates outboard Tower.
- Music: Responsible for UX (sound) output. Coordinates outboard Music.