Implementation of a few Numerical Methods of Computation.
s.m- Test File.
newton.m- Implementation of Newtons method to find a root of a function f : R → R. The input arguments of the function are initial guess, function f and its derivative.
secant.m- Implementation of Secant method to find a root of a function f : R → R. The input arguments of the function are two initial guesses and function f .
gebs.m- Implementation of the well known Gauss elimination and Backward substitution method to solve a system of linear equations.
LU.m- Implementation of LU Decomposition of a matrix.
LL.m- Implementation of Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric positive matrix.
SOR.m- Implementation of SOR method with pre-conditioner.
PCG.m- Implementation of Conjugate gradient method with pre-conditioner.
NewtonDD.m- Newton divided difference method to obtain the interpolating value.
PLI.m- Piecewise linear interpolation method to obtain the interpolating value.
CubicSpline.m- Natural cubic spline method to obtain the interpolating value.