Create a feed with options
- name
- type (audio, video)
- description
- other things
Multiple feeds
Multiple sites/brands - far future
Publish to apple, spotify etc..
Gatsby plugins:
- S3 - source for files & data
- JSON to read files
- feed-generator - 2 options
- feed parser to create pages
pages: /login - for admin section. /admin - add feed, global options, list of feeds /admin/ - handles uploads/adding an episode - triggers rebuild of the site for xml //atom.xml, rss.xml (or whatever the spec says it ought to be) / (blank for now) this eventually will be the html page for the site /master/rss.xml - all feeds from this site
/admin - click 'new podcast' popup with a name - lambda function to create a s3 json object /admin/ - (form with global options), list for episodes (form for each one) 'generate feed'
GET /admin/feed - generated from the xml feed? POST /admin/feed - upload to S3 (file and json blob). Triggers webhook to rebuild
build of site:
- pull json data from S3
- use this data to build xml feed
- use (xml feed|json) to build pages
- new site goes live - need to refresh the page for the user (logged in)
- ie need to provide a way to show the site has been updated.