Spectamus (latin, roughly: we are watching) runs suspicious Minecraft mods with Docker and Xvfb to fake a window server.
An instance is running with id: 1020734729554759750 and this invite url
You need
- Docker
- Python >= 3.8
- 1.8.9 Minecraft json
- Proper .mitmproxy folder
- Requirements.txt dependencies
- To get a .mitmproxy folder, run mitmproxy once and copy the .mitmproxy into the mitmproxy directory.
- Copy the mitmproxy-ca-cert.pem file from the .mitmproxy into the headlessforge directory.
- Find the 1.8.9 minecraft json and move it to ./headlessforge/resources/1.8.9.json
- Create a Docker network called
If you get problems with DNS not resolving within a Spectamus container, change the ip in headlessforge/main.sh to the default gateway of themitm
network - Build lwjgl for your platform and put the so file in a file called
natives-<arch as returned by platform.machine()>
- Modify the Dockerfile for the headlessforge directory to change the arch
- Build the container in the ./headlessforge directory and name it
- Build the container in the ./mitm directory and name it
- Create a venv, and install all the dependencies in requirements.txt
- Fill your .env file with the proper data
BOT_TOKEN=<discord bot token, get it at discord.com/developers>
VPN_ASN=<optional, enforces that a you are connected to the VPN by checking the ASN>
LOGGING_CHANNEL_ID=<optional, logs the jars to prevent abuse, put the channel id>
- Run the bot with
python bot.py