Welcome to the React Native repo for the Cheetah Coding Youtube Channel. Topics Covered are added to their own branches and will be updated periodically as needed.
Knowledge of fundamental programming concepts is required. These include things like conditional statements, loops, lists manipulation, etc. I won't be covering general programming concepts so some programming experience is expected.
- Copy the repo to your local machine with 'git clone https://github.com/cheetahcoding/CwC_React_Native.git'
- cd into the top level folder
- Make sure you have the Metro bundler running with 'react-native start'
- iOS: On a mac, run the app in a simulator with 'react-native run-ios --simulator="YOUR DEVICE NAME". You may have to set up a new device in Xcode.
- Android: Make sure your Android Home path is setup correctly and run the app in the emulator with 'react native run-android' *export ANDROID_HOME=/Library/Android/sdk (or wherever your sdk is located) *export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools *export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
You will probably get errors switching between branches. Make sure you run these commands before running the code:
- Install project packages in the top level folder with 'npm install' in your terminal
- cd into the 'ios; folder and run 'pod install' in the terminal.
- If you still get package related errors, try deleting the Podfile.lock and/or the package-lock.json file before running the commands above.
You can fork this repo if you wish, but I am not accepting external contributions at this time.
- Julian Currie