Another logger with telemetry capabilities using StatsD, Prometheus, InfluxDB...
You can use it like any common log package:
import (
log.Info("Some information")
log.Debug("Some Debug info")
Use any of the included implementations on telemetry folder:
import (
Address: "localhost:9125",
Namespace: "myapp.",
log.WithTags("tag1").Inc("mycounter", 1).WithField("key", "value").Info("incremented")
// Outputs
// {"level":1,"messages":["incremented"],"fields":{"key":"value"},"ts":"2017-10-16T00:03:07.685786669+02:00"}
At the same time a +1 with tag 'tag1' to the metric 'mycounter'
Common functionality is covered by the following interface:
type Tags map[string]string
type Fields map[string]interface{}
type Level int
type Logger interface {
Debug(msg interface{}) Telemetry
Info(msg interface{}) Telemetry
Warn(msg interface{}) Telemetry
Error(msg interface{}) Telemetry
Fatal(msg interface{}) Telemetry
Debugf(msg string, v ...interface{}) Telemetry
Infof(msg string, v ...interface{}) Telemetry
Warnf(msg string, v ...interface{}) Telemetry
Errorf(msg string, v ...interface{}) Telemetry
Fatalf(msg string, v ...interface{}) Telemetry
WithField(s string, v interface{}) Logger
WithFields(Fields) Logger
WithError(...error) Logger
WithErrors(...error) Logger
WithTags(t Tags) Telemetry
WithTag(string, string) Telemetry
Clone(callStack int) Logger
Using WithTags(s ...string) Telemetry
will return an instance to use it with the following methods:
type Telemetry interface {
WithTags(t Tags) Telemetry
WithTag(string, string) Telemetry
Inc(name string, value float64, extra ...interface{}) Logger
Gauge(string, float64, ...interface{}) Logger
Histogram(name string, value float64, extra ...interface{}) Logger
Summary(name string, value float64, extra ...interface{}) Logger
Clone() Telemetry
SetLogger(l Logger)
- Text with a provided io.Writer
- JSON with a provided io.Writer
- Custom will resend any output back for your control in case that you need to customize what to do with each output
- Memory (stores each log to an array, useful for testing purposes)
- Multi: Allows to use more than one Writer so you can log to console AND to Papertrail
- Papertrail
- TODO Kafka
- TODO Google PubSub
- TODO AWS Kinesis
- TODO Elastic
- StatsD
- Prometheus
- InfluxDB
- Multi (alpha) to monitor using more than one system
- TODO OpenTSDB Test