Contains Docker imgages for the different components of CKAN Cloud and a Docker compose environment for development and testing.
Available components:
- cca-operator: Kubernetes server-side component that manages the multi-tenant CKAN instances. see the README for more details.
- ckan: The CKAN app
- db: PostgreSQL database and management scripts
- nginx: Reverse proxy for the CKAN app
- solr: Solr search engine
- jenkins: Automation service
- provisioning-api: ckan-cloud-provisioning-api
- traefik: Reverse proxy, SSL handler and load balancer
Install Docker for Windows, Mac or Linux.
Run and follow all steps:
(optional) Clear any existing compose environment to ensure a fresh start
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose.datagov-theme.yaml down -v
Pull the latest images
docker-compose pull
Start the Docker compose environment
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose.datagov-theme.yaml up -d nginx
Add a hosts entry mapping domain nginx
: nginx
Wait a few seconds until CKAN api responds successfully:
curl http://nginx:8080/api/3
Create a CKAN admin user
docker-compose exec ckan ckan-paster --plugin=ckan \
sysadmin add -c /etc/ckan/production.ini admin password=12345678 email=admin@localhost
Login to CKAN at http://nginx:8080 with username admin
and password 12345678
To start the jobs server for uploading to the datastore DB:
docker-compose up -d jobs
Edit any file in this repository
(Optional) depending on the changes you made, you might need to destroy the current environment
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose.datagov-theme.yaml down -v
(if you want to keep your volumes, for example if you populated the database with data you want
to keep, you need to drop the -v
part from the command)
Build the docker images
docker-compose build | grep "Successfully tagged"
Start the environment
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose.datagov-theme.yaml up -d nginx
This allows to test different CKAN configurations and extension combinations
Duplicate the CKAN default configuration:
cp docker-compose/ckan-conf-templates/production.ini.template \
Edit the duplicated file and modify the settings, e.g. add the extensions to the plugins
configuration and any additional required extension configurations.
Create a docker-compose override file e.g.
version: '3.2'
context: ckan
# install extensions / dependencies
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r ckan/ckanext-spatial &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r ckan/ckanext-harvest &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r GSA/ckanext-geodatagov &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r GSA/ckanext-datagovtheme
# other initialization
mkdir -p /var/tmp/ckan/dynamic_menu
# used to load the modified CKAN configuration
context: ckan
# install extensions / dependencies
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r ckan/ckanext-spatial &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r ckan/ckanext-harvest &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r GSA/ckanext-geodatagov &&\
install_standard_ckan_extension_github -r GSA/ckanext-datagovtheme
# other initialization
mkdir -p /var/tmp/ckan/dynamic_menu
# used to load the modified CKAN configuration
Start the docker-compose environment with the modified config:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f up -d --build nginx
You can persist the modified configurations in Git for reference and documentation.
For example, to start the datagov-theme configuration:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose.datagov-theme.yaml up -d --build nginx
To use another database server, you will need to provide a SQLACHEMY_URL
value by hand, by adding it
to docker-compose/
After specifying the address of the new server, you need to start the CKAN instance, this time without adding a db layer. For example, to start a custom configuration without starting up the database:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose.custom-theme.yaml up -d --build nginx
docker-compose up -d jenkins
Login at http://localhost:8089
Start the cca-operator server (see cca-operator README)
Start the cloud provisioning API server with the required keys
export PRIVATE_SSH_KEY="$(cat docker-compose/cca-operator/id_rsa | while read i; do echo "${i}"; done)"
export PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat docker-compose/provisioning-api/private.pem | while read i; do echo "${i}"; done)"
export PUBLIC_KEY="$(cat docker-compose/provisioning-api/public.pem | while read i; do echo "${i}"; done)"
docker-compose up -d --build provisioning-api
Create a bash alias to run docker-compose with the centralized configuration
alias docker-compose="`which docker-compose` -f docker-compose.yaml -f .docker-compose-db.yaml -f .docker-compose-centralized.yaml"
Start a clean environment with only the db and solr cloud -
docker-compose down -v
docker-compose up -d db solr
Set the instance id which is used for database names and the solr core name
Create the dbs
docker-compose run --rm cca-operator -c "source; PGPASSWORD=123456 create_db db postgres ${INSTANCE_ID} 654321" &&\
docker-compose run --rm cca-operator -c "source; PGPASSWORD=123456 create_datastore_db db postgres ${INSTANCE_ID} ${INSTANCE_ID}-datastore 654321 ${INSTANCE_ID}-datastore-readonly 654321"
Create the solrcloud collection
docker-compose exec solr bin/solr create_collection -c ${INSTANCE_ID} -d ckan_default -n ckan_default
Start ckan
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate jobs
by default it uses test1
as the INSTANCE_ID, to modify, override the ckan
You might need to reload the solr collection after recreate:
curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/collections?action=RELOAD&name=${INSTANCE_ID}&wt=json"