The gem to automate everything for GooglePlay Developer Console with a Single Command i.e. googlepub
Store Listing, APK, In-App Purchases, this does it all. This gem uses the Google Publishing API. Have issues/problems/Feature requests/advices Please add them as Issues. I'll get back to you ASAP.
In your terminal:
[sudo] gem install googlepub
For updates:
[sudo] gem update googlepub
This gem is OS independent.
To enable googlepub to access Google Play you have to follow these steps:
- Open the Google Play Console
- Open Settings => API-Access
- Create a new Service Account - follow the link of the dialog
- Create new Client ID
- Select Service Account
- Click Generate new P12 key and store the downloaded file
- The Email address underneath Service account is the email address you have to enter as the Issuer
- Back on the Google Play developer console, click on Grant Access for the newly added service account
- Choose Release Manager from the dropdown and confirm
Copy the email address which looks like [email protected] and
- paste it in a file named "issfile" in the working Directory (Without any quotes around the String) or
- pass it as the -i or --iss option with the command as "[ISS]" or
- paste it when asked for as "[ISS]" or
- set as ENV['ISS']
Store your p12 file in a secure place, for ease open it in any editor and copy the key and
- store in a file named "keyfile" in the working Directory (Without any quotes around the String) or
- pass as -k or --key option with the command as "[key]" or
- paste it when asked for "[key]" or
- set as ENV['KEY']
The SKU of you App eg. "com.keshav.goel".
- Pass is as -p or --package option with the command or
- when asked for while execution or
- set as ENV['PACKAGE']
##Main commands
- apk
- metadata
- inapps
-l, --language [LANGUAGE] The ISO language code (default: "en-US")
-k, --key [KEY] Key for the Account from Google Developer Console (ENV['KEY'])
-i, --iss [ISSUER] ISS for the Account from Google Developer Console (ENV['ISS'])
-p, --package [PACKAGE] Package to update on the Google Developer Console (ENV['PACKAGE'])
--store Specify that Store Listing details are to be Updated.
-t, --title [TITLE] Name for your App/In-App
-f, --full [FULLDESCRIPTION] Full Description for your App/Description for your In-App
-s, --short [SHORTDESCRIPTION] Short Description for your App
-v, --video [VIDEO] Youtube Video URL
--details Specify that the details are to be updated (Website, Email and Phone)
-w, --website [WEBSITE] Website for Contact
-e, --email [EMAIL] Email for Contact
--phone [PHONE] Phone for Contact
--screenshots Specify that Screenshots are to be updated for Contact
--featureGraphic [PATH] featureGraphic for your App eg: "path/to/file"
--icon [PATH] icon for your App eg: "path/to/file"
--phoneScreenshots [PATH] phoneScreenshots for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--promoGraphic [PATH] promoGraphic for your App eg: "path/to/file"
--sevenInch [PATH] sevenInchScreenshots for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--tenInch [PATH] tenInchScreenshots for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--tvBanner [PATH] tvBanner for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--tv [PATH] tvScreenshots for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--wear [PATH] wearScreenshots for your App (comma separated) eg: "path/to/file1,path/to/file1,.."
--version Display googlepub version
-h, --help Display this help message
--file [FILE] APK file to upload eg: "path/to/file"
--track [TRACK] Track to which APK file is to be uploaded eg: "beta"
--apkversion [Version] Code Version of your APK you want to deploy
-h, --help Display this help message
--sku [SKU] The SKU of the In-App you wish to edit
-t, --title [TITLE] Name for your App/In-App
-f, --full [FULLDESCRIPTION] Full Description for your App/Description for your In-App
--price [PRICE] Price for the In-App in Decimal(eg: 5.99), Will convert to Millionth by self
--curr [CURR] 3 letter Currency code, as defined by ISO 4217 for your SKU (USD by default)
--status [STATUS] Status for your In-App, "active" or "inactive"
-h, --help Display this help message
(Note: New In-App support Coming Soon!)
Note: When using inapps sub-command, access_token file created is not deleted(unlike apk and metadata). The access_token saved in the file is reused for multiple In-App activity(Untill its Expiry or another Edit for APK or Metadata).
googlepub metadata -l "en-US" -p "com.keshav.goel" --store -t "Title" -s "Short Description" -f "fullDescription" --icon "icon.png"
googlepub apk -p "com.keshav.goel" --file "file.apk" --track "beta"
googlepub inapps -p "com.keshav.goel" --sku "com.keshav.inapp.12" --title "InApp 12" --fullDescription "Description" --price 1990000