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CAS Server

Build status on GitHub Uses XP Framework BSD Licence Requires PHP 7.4+ Supports PHP 8.0+ Less than 1000 lines

Minimalistic CAS Server in PHP supporting MySQL / MariaDB or MongoDB persistence.



For use with MySQL / MariaDB, create a database with the following tables (the following uses MySQL syntax, adopt if necessary!):

# Create database and tables
$ cat src/main/sql/mysql-schema.ddl | mysql -u root

# Create user
$ mysql -u root -e "grant all on IDENTITIES.* to 'cas'@'%' identified by '...'"

MongoDB collections are created automatically when the first document is inserted - so the only thing necessary is to create the user for the respective database, as shown in the following Mongo CLI commands:

mongo> use admin;
mongo> db.createUser({
  user: "cas",
  pwd: "...",
  roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "cas" } ]

Run composer:

$ composer install
# ...

Export environment:

$ export CAS_DB_PASS=... # The one you used when creating the database user above
$ export REDIS_PASS=...  # Sessions use filesystem during development, redis only in prod
$ export CRYPTO_KEY=...  # Must have 32 characters, generate with `openssl rand -base64 24`

You can also put these variables into a file named credentials, if you wish:

$ cat > credentials


Start the server:

# For MySQL / MariaDB
$ xp serve -p dev -c src/main/etc/sql

# For MongoDB
$ xp serve -p dev -c src/main/etc/mongo

Now open http://localhost:8080/login in your browser.

To change the address and port the server runs on, add -a to the above command line.

User management

All of the following use the sql configuration. For use with MongoDB, use src/main/etc/mongo instead!

# Create a new user; generating a random password if necessary
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql NewUser <user> [--password=<password>]

# Change a user's password
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql ChangePassword <user> [--password=<password>]

# Remove an existing user
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql RemoveUser <user>

# List all users
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql ListUsers

# Filter users on their username. Use * to match any character
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql ListUsers 't*'

Setting up MFA

# Create a new token
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql NewToken <user> [--name=<name>]

# List existing tokens
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql ListTokens <user>

# Remove an existing token
$ xp cmd -c src/main/etc/sql RemoveToken <user> <name>