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Contribution Guide

Piyush Pradeepkumar edited this page Oct 27, 2022 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CreativeCodingExamples Contribution Guide!

If you want to add your creative artwork into website you can easily do that in just few steps

  1. Go to /docs/_artworks folder
  2. Create a new file with the filename as- <previousnumber+1>.md
  3. Copy the following contents into that file
    title: <Your title of the artwork>
    caption: <Any description of yours>
    image_thumb: <This is the gift link of your artwork - low res>
    image: <This is the still image link of your artwork - high res>
    link_processing: <Link to source code of artwork if made with Processing>
    link_compose: <Link to source code of artwork if made with Compose>
  4. While uploading an image, you can just drag and drop the image into the file that you've just created and you can use that link as your artwork image link ^
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