Simple game to convert all red squares to green squares. My attempt to learn the "new" tools and methods.
The main point for me to create this game was to better learn React.js. In the proccess, i learned a little more than just React.js:
- Node.js and NMP
- Cordova and Phonegap (basic understaning)
- React Hot Loader (edit the code; have it hot loaded; and not lose any state of the components between loads)
- Bootstrap and react.bootstrap in particular
If you are interested to play with this project, or make your own, follow the steps below.
Run this to start the development webpack server:
npm start
You can then open the app in your browser by visiting localhost:8080
Open it in the iOS Simulator by running (in another terminal):
cordova platform add ios
npm run ios
Or in the Android emulator with:
cordova platform add android
npm run android
(both of which are just calling cordova run ios
and cordova run android
In this mode, the app will live-reload changes to React components using react-hot-loader and CSS changes using the Webpack CSS loader.
To build the app without the development hot module reloading server:
npm run build [ -- ios || android]
npm run prepare -- ios
npm run prepare -- android
This will switch your config.xml
file to production mode, build the app bundle to /www
using Webpack, and run cordova build
for you.
After that, the normal Cordova / PhoneGap commands can be used such as phonegap serve
, or cordova run ios
, etc.
MIT. Copyright (c) 2016 Mark Rogov.