Provisions a Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus Workspace and AWS OpenTelemetry Collector with the ECS Observer configured
kurgan add amp-ecs
Name | Use | Default | Global | Type | Allowed Values |
EnvironmentName | Tagging | dev | true | string | |
EnvironmentType | Tagging | development | true | string | ['development','production'] |
VPCId | Security Groups | None | false | AWS::EC2::VPC::Id | |
SubnetIds | list of subnets | None | false | CommaDelimitedList | |
EcsCluster | ecs cluster to deploy to | None | false | string | |
GrafanaAccountId | AWS Account Id for Cross Account Access for Grafana | '' | false | string | |
Cpu | Prometheus Export Task CPU | 512 | false | string | |
Memory | Prometheus Export Task Memory | 1024 | false | string |
The default configuration uses docker labels for ECS task discovery. Tasks with the following labels with be automatically discovered and have the metrics exported to AMP
will use the default metrics path of /metrics
which allows setting a custom metrics path
The aot_ecs_observer
config property can be used to add custom ECS task discovery to the exporter for example
- name_pattern: '^myservice-.*$'
metrics_path: /mymetrics
- 8080
This will discover any services with myservice in the name and will scrape metrics from the /mymetrics
path on port 8080
See Amazon Elastic Container Service Observer for full config details
Here is an example of using this component to deploy it as a standalone service within an existing VPC and ECS Cluster
CfhighlanderTemplate do
Component template: '[email protected]', name: 'ampecs', render: Inline do
parameter name: 'VPCId', value: FnImportValue(FnSub("${EnvironmentName}-vpc-VPCId"))
parameter name: 'SubnetIds', value: FnImportValue(FnSub("${EnvironmentName}-vpc-ComputeSubnets"))
parameter name: 'EcsCluster', value: FnImportValue(FnSub("${EnvironmentName}-ecs-EcsCluster"))