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jessicamcinchak committed Feb 8, 2024
1 parent 394c86a commit ad88223
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Showing 23 changed files with 29,956 additions and 0 deletions.
1,897 changes: 1,897 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/examples/validLawfulDevelopmentCertificateExisting.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,262 changes: 1,262 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/examples/validLawfulDevelopmentCertificateProposed.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,812 changes: 1,812 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/examples/validPlanningPermission.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,125 changes: 1,125 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/examples/validPriorApproval.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

21,934 changes: 21,934 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/schema.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/types/Schema.ts
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import {File} from './schema/File';
import {Metadata} from './schema/Metadata';
import {PreAssessment} from './schema/PreAssessment';
import {Responses} from './schema/Responses';
import {Applicant} from './schema/data/Applicant';
import {Application} from './schema/data/Application';
import {Property} from './schema/data/Property';
import {Proposal} from './schema/data/Proposal';
import {User} from './schema/data/User';

* @title Digital Planning Application
* @description The root specification for a planning application in England generated by a digital planning service
export interface Schema {
data: {
application: Application;
user: User;
applicant: Applicant;
property: Property;
proposal: Proposal;
preAssessment?: PreAssessment;
responses: Responses;
files: File[];
metadata: Metadata;
99 changes: 99 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/types/enums/ApplicationTypes.ts
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* Values of `data.application.type`
export const ApplicationTypes = {
advertConsent: 'Consent to display an advertisement',
'Consent to move and dispose of hazardous substances',
hedgerowRemovalNotice: 'Notice to remove a hedge',
ldc: 'Lawful Development Certificate',
'ldc.proposed': 'Lawful Development Certificate - Proposed use',
'ldc.existing': 'Lawful Development Certificate - Existing use',
'Lawful Development Certificate - Continue an existing use',
'Lawful Development Certificate - Lawful not to comply with a condition or limitation',
listed: 'Consent to do works to a Listed Building',
'Consent to make small changes to a project with Planning Permission',
pa: 'Prior Approval',
'pa.part1.classA': 'Prior Approval - Larger extension to a house',
'pa.part1.classAA': 'Prior Approval - Adding storeys to a house',
'Prior Approval - Convert a commercial building to mixed use',
'Prior Approval - Convert a mixed use building into a home',
'Prior Approval - Convert a commercial building into a home or homes',
'Prior Approval - Convert a casino or amusement arcade into a home or homes',
'Prior Approval - Convert a light industrial building into a home',
'Prior Approval - Convert an agricultural building into a home',
'Prior Approval - Convert an agricultural building to a commercial use',
'Prior Approval - Convert an agricultural building to a school',
'Prior Approval - Convert a commercial building to a school',
'pa.part4.classBB': 'Prior Approval - Put up a temporary structure',
'pa.part4.classE': 'Prior Approval - Use a building or land to shoot a film',
'Prior Approval - Alter or add new buildings to agricultural or forestry sites',
'Prior Approval - Build new agricultural buildings on a unit of 5 hectares or more',
'Prior Approval - Build new agricultural buildings on a unit of less than 5 hectares',
'pa.part6.classE': 'Prior Approval - Build new forestry buildings',
'pa.part7.classC': 'Prior Approval - Install click and collect facilities',
'Prior Approval - Extend a school, college, university, prison or hospital',
'pa.part11.classB': 'Prior Approval - Demolish a building',
'pa.part14.classJ': 'Prior Approval - Install or change solar panels',
'pa.part16.classA': 'Prior Approval - Install telecommunications equipment',
'Prior Approval - Specific Acts of Parliament or Local Orders',
'Prior Approval - Build homes on a detached blocks of flats',
'Prior Approval - Build homes on a detached commercial building',
'Prior Approval - Build homes on an adjoining commercial or mixed use building',
'pa.part20.classAC': 'Prior Approval - Build homes on adjoining houses',
'pa.part20.classAD': 'Prior Approval - Build homes on detached houses',
'Prior Approval - Demolish buildings and build homes in their place',
pip: 'Permission in Principle - Consent for the principle of a project with less than 1,000 square metres floor area on a site of less than 1 hectare',
'Permission in Principle - Approval of technical details',
pp: 'Planning Permission',
'Planning Permission for development, including all householder, minor, and major applications',
'Full Planning Permission and consent to display an advert',
'Full Planning Permission including demolition in a Conservation Area',
'pp.full.householder': 'Planning Permission - Full householder',
'Planning Permission - Full householder with consent to do works to a Listed Building',
'Planning Permission - Full householder retrospective',
'pp.full.major': 'Planning Permission - Major application',
'pp.full.minor': 'Planning Permission - Minor application',
'Planning Permission - Minor application and consent to do works to a Listed Building',
'Planning Permission - Consent to extract minerals and related development, such as temporary buildings and roads',
'Planning Permission - Consent to extract oil and gas',
'pp.outline': 'Planning permission - Outline for proposed development',
'Outline Planning Permission - Consent for the principle of a project witholding all details',
'Outline Planning Permission - Approval of reserved matters',
'Outline Planning Permission - Consent for the principle of a project specifying some details',
'Consent to carry out works to a tree in a Conservation Area or with a Tree Preservation Order',
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/types/enums/FileTypes.ts
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* Values of `file.type`
export const FileTypes = {
affordableHousingStatement: 'Affordable housing statement',
arboriculturistReport: 'Arboriculturist report',
bankStatement: 'Bank statement',
basementImpactStatement: 'Basement impact statement',
bioaerosolAssessment: 'Bio-aerosol assessment',
birdstrikeRiskManagementPlan: 'Birdstrike risk management plan',
boreholeOrTrialPitAnalysis: 'Borehole or trial pit analysis',
buildingControlCertificate: 'Building control certificate',
conditionSurvey: 'Structural or building condition survey',
constructionInvoice: 'Construction invoice',
contaminationReport: 'Contamination report',
councilTaxBill: 'Council tax bill',
crimePreventionStrategy: 'Crime prevention strategy',
designAndAccessStatement: 'Design and Access Statement',
'Evidence for application fee exemption - disability',
ecologyReport: 'Ecology report',
'elevations.existing': 'Elevations - existing',
'elevations.proposed': 'Elevations - proposed',
'Scheme for mitigation and monitoring of emissions (dust, odour and vibrations)',
energyStatement: 'Energy statement',
environmentalImpactAssessment: 'Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)',
fireSafetyReport: 'Fire safety report',
floodRiskAssessment: 'Flood risk assessment (FRA)',
'floorPlan.existing': 'Floor plan - existing',
'floorPlan.proposed': 'Floor plan - proposed',
foulDrainageAssessment: 'Foul drainage assessment',
geodiversityAssessment: 'Geodiversity assessment',
heritageStatement: 'Heritage Statement',
hydrologicalAssessment: 'Hydrological and hydrogeological assessment',
hydrologyReport: 'Hydrology report',
internalElevations: 'Internal elevations',
internalSections: 'Internal sections',
joinersReport: "Joiner's report",
joinerySections: 'Joinery section report',
landContaminationAssessment: 'Land contamination assessment',
'Landscape and visual impact assessment (LVIA)',
landscapeStrategy: 'Landscape strategy or landscape plan',
lightingAssessment: 'Lighting assessment',
'Details of litter, vermin and bird control',
locationPlan: 'Location plan',
mineralsAndWasteAssessment: 'Minerals and waste assessment',
newDwellingsSchedule: 'New dwellings schedule',
noiseAssessment: 'Noise assessment',
openSpaceAssessment: 'Open space assessment',
otherDocument: 'Other - document',
otherDrawing: 'Other - drawing',
otherEvidence: 'Other - evidence or correspondence',
parkingPlan: 'Parking plan',
'photographs.existing': 'Photographs - existing',
'photographs.proposed': 'Photographs - proposed',
planningStatement: 'Planning statement',
'roofPlan.existing': 'Roof plan - existing',
'roofPlan.proposed': 'Roof plan - proposed',
'sections.existing': 'Sections - existing',
'sections.proposed': 'Sections - proposed',
'sitePlan.existing': 'Site plan - existing',
'sitePlan.proposed': 'Site plan - proposed',
sketchPlan: 'Sketch plan',
statementOfCommunityInvolvement: 'Statement of community involvement',
statutoryDeclaration: 'Statutory declaration',
'Details of storage treatment or disposal of waste',
streetScene: 'Street scene drawing',
subsidenceReport: 'Subsidence report',
sunlightAndDaylightReport: 'Sunlight and daylight report',
sustainabilityStatement: 'Sustainability statement',
technicalEvidence: 'Technical evidence',
tenancyAgreement: 'Tenancy agreement',
tenancyInvoice: 'Tenancy invoice',
townCentreImpactAssessment: 'Town centre uses - Impact assessment',
townCentreSequentialAssessment: 'Town centre uses - Sequential assessment',
transportAssessment: 'Transport assessment',
travelPlan: 'Travel plan',
treeCanopyCalculator: 'Tree canopy calculator',
treeConditionReport: 'Tree condition report',
treesReport: 'Trees report',
'unitPlan.existing': 'Unit plan - existing',
'unitPlan.proposed': 'Unit plan - proposed',
'usePlan.existing': 'Use plan - existing',
'usePlan.proposed': 'Use plan - proposed',
utilityBill: 'Utility bill',
utilitiesStatement: 'Utilities statement',
ventilationStatement: 'Ventilation or extraction statement',
visualisations: 'Visualisations',
wasteAndRecyclingStrategy: 'Waste and recycling strategy',
waterEnvironmentAssessment: 'Water environment assessment',
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/types/enums/Flags.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Flags and their flagset that make up a result
export const Flags = {
'Planning permission / Immune':
'It looks like the changes may now be beyond the time limit for enforcement action. This does not apply if the changes have been deliberately concealed.',
'Planning permission / Missing information':
'There is some key information missing that will be needed to assess this application.',
'Planning permission / Permission needed':
'It looks like the proposed changes may require planning permission.',
'Planning permission / Prior approval':
'It looks like the proposed changes do not require planning permission, however the applicant must apply for Prior Approval before proceeding.',
'Planning permission / Notice':
'It looks like the proposed changes may not require planning permission, however the applicant must provide notice to the planning authority before proceeding.',
'Planning permission / Permitted development':
'It looks like the proposed changes may fall within the rules for Permitted Development and therefore would not need planning permission.',
'Planning permission / Not development':
"It looks like the proposed changes may not fall within the legal definition of 'development', and therefore would not require planning permission.",
'Listed building consent / Missing information': '',
'Listed building consent / Required': '',
'Listed building consent / De minimis': '',
'Listed building consent / Not required': '',
'Works to trees & hedges / Missing information': '',
'Works to trees & hedges / Required': '',
'Works to trees & hedges / De minimis': '',
'Works to trees & hedges / Not required': '',
'Demolition in a conservation area / Missing information': '',
'Demolition in a conservation area / Required': '',
'Demolition in a conservation area / De minimis': '',
'Demolition in a conservation area / Not required': '',
'Planning policy / Missing information': '',
'Planning policy / Fails to meet policy': '',
'Planning policy / Edge case': '',
'Planning policy / Meets policy': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Missing information': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Exemption void': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Exempt': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Relief void': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Relief': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Liable': '',
'Community infrastructure levy / Not liable': '',
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions v0.3.0/types/enums/PlanningConstraints.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Values for ``
export const PlanningDesignations = {
article4: 'Article 4 Direction area',
'article4.caz': 'Central Activities Zone (CAZ)',
brownfieldSite: 'Brownfield site',
designated: 'Designated land',
'designated.AONB': 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)',
'designated.conservationArea': 'Conservation Area',
'designated.greenBelt': 'Green Belt',
'designated.nationalPark': 'National Park',
'designated.nationalPark.broads': 'National Park - Broads',
'designated.SPA': 'Special Protection Area (SPA)',
'designated.WHS': 'UNESCO World Heritage Site or buffer zone',
flood: 'Flood Risk Zone',
'': 'Flood Risk Zone 1 - Low risk',
'': 'Flood Risk Zone 2 - Medium risk',
'': 'Flood Risk Zone 3 - High risk',
listed: 'Listed Building',
'listed.grade.I': 'Listed Building - Grade I',
'listed.grade.II': 'Listed Building - Grade II',
'listed.grade.II*': 'Listed Building - Grade II*',
locallyListed: 'Locally Listed Building',
monument: 'Site of a Scheduled Monument',
'nature.ASNW': 'Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland (ASNW)',
'nature.ramsarSite': 'Ramsar site',
'nature.SAC': 'Special Area of Conservation (SAC)',
'nature.SSSI': 'Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)',
registeredPark: 'Historic Park or Garden',
'road.classified': 'Classified Road',
tpo: 'Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or zone',

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