This is the source code for
It isn't hosted on a Raspberry Pi.
13/10/2017: Set up certbot on pi-1 and enabled HTTPS on Apache using the Let's Encrypt certificate
12/10/2017: Installed certbot on pi-1
10?/10/2017: Set up an OpenVPN tunnel on pi-2 with the static IP address
` -
10?/10/2017: Set up pi-2
05/10/2017: Set up an OpenVPN tunnel on pi-1> and pi-3 - they have the static IP addresses
04/10/2017: Tried installing FreeBSD on pi-1 - switched back to the Raspbian SD card as FreeBSD doesn't seem to support the Wi-Fi adapters we're using (without installing any drivers at least)
13/06/2017: Setup Raspbian Pixel pi-2
13/06/2017 Destroyed the data on pi-2
03/03/2017: Added contact form
02/03/2017: Added anchors on pis, projects and people section headers
02/03/2017: Increased padding of sections
02/03/2017: Updated status of pi-2 and pi-4
02/03/2017: Fixed positioning of labels in dropdown menus
02/03/2017: Updated faded styles
02/03/2017: Updated navigation
02/03/2017: Setup and
01/03/2017: Added information for DNS Update Client
01/03/2017: Updated status of pi-2 and pi-4
01/03/2017: Setup pi-2
28/02/2017: Updated picture of Harry Carrigan
27/02/2017: Added API
26/02/2017: Added pi-1, pi-2, pi-3 and pi-4 to
26/02/2017: Added menu on Kill My Pi website
26/02/2017: Added information on why you should use Kill My Pi
26/02/2017: Added anchor for updates
26/02/2017: Fixed anchors
26/02/2017: Setup Piwik
25/02/2017: Added Kill My Pi website
25/02/2017: Added information for pi-4
24/02/2017: Added updates section
24/02/2017: Created DNS records for pi-4
24/02/2017: Destroyed the data on pi-2
22/02/2017: Setup IPv6 on pi-1, pi-2 and pi-3
~20/02/2017: Created, and DNS records on DuckDNS
~>18/02/2017: Setup CloudFlare on