ROS in Neovim.
List ROS nodes with live info 🔦
List ROS msgs with definitions ✉️
Search current ROS package 🔎
Wraps ROS CLI utils (rosnode
, rostopic
, rosmsg
, etc) with Vim and Telescope to bring it right to your favourite editor! 😁
- Search files with Telescope in the current ROS package
- Live grep with Telescope in the current ROS package
- Build current ROS package in terminal
- Execute current ROS test in terminal
- Nodes list & info
- Topics list & info & echo
- Services list & info
- Msgs list & info
- Srvs list & info
- Params list & values
- Nvim >= 0.5
- (recommended) telescope.nvim
With your plugin manager of choice:
Plug 'thibthib18/ros-nvim'
use { 'thibthib18/ros-nvim', config=function()
require 'ros-nvim'.setup({})
In Lua:
local vim_utils = require "ros-nvim.vim-utils"
require 'ros-nvim'.setup {
-- path to your catkin workspace
catkin_ws_path = "~/catkin_ws",
-- make program (e.g. "catkin_make" or "catkin build" )
catkin_program = "catkin_make"
--method for opening terminal for e.g. catkin_make: `vim_utils.open_new_buffer` or custom function
open_terminal_method = function()
require vim-utils.open_split()
-- terminal height for build / test, only valid with `open_terminal_method=open_split()`
terminal_height = 8
-- Picker mappings
node_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-k>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosnode kill %s"))
map("i", "<c-k>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosnode kill %s"))
topic_picker_mappings = function(map)
local cycle_previewers = function(prompt_bufnr)
local picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
map("n", "<c-b>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rostopic pub %s"))
map("i", "<c-b>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rostopic pub %s"))
-- While browsing topics, press <c-e> to switch between `rostopic info` and `rostopic echo`
map("n", "<c-e>", cycle_previewers)
map("i", "<c-e>", cycle_previewers)
service_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosservice call %s"))
map("i", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosservice call %s"))
param_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosparam set %s"))
map("i", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosparam set %s"))
In Vim, simply enclose it in a lua block:
lua << EOF
local vim_utils = require "ros-nvim.vim-utils"
require 'ros-nvim'.setup {
-- path to your catkin workspace
catkin_ws_path = "~/catkin_ws",
-- make program (e.g. "catkin_make" or "catkin build" )
catkin_program = "catkin_make"
--method for opening terminal for e.g. catkin_make: utils.open_new_buffer or custom function
open_terminal_method = function()
require vim-utils.open_split()
-- terminal height for build / test, only valid with `open_terminal_method=open_split()`
terminal_height = 8
-- Picker mappings
node_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-k>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosnode kill %s"))
map("i", "<c-k>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosnode kill %s"))
topic_picker_mappings = function(map)
local cycle_previewers = function(prompt_bufnr)
local picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr)
map("n", "<c-b>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rostopic pub %s"))
map("i", "<c-b>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rostopic pub %s"))
map("n", "<c-e>", cycle_previewers)
map("i", "<c-e>", cycle_previewers)
service_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosservice call %s"))
map("i", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosservice call %s"))
param_picker_mappings = function(map)
map("n", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosparam set %s"))
map("i", "<c-e>", vim_utils.open_terminal_with_format_cmd_entry("rosparam set %s"))
" Search files in current package
nnoremap <leader>fp <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.package').search_package()<cr>
" Live grep in current package
nnoremap <leader>fgp <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.package').grep_package()<cr>
" #### ROS Introspection ####
" Topics list & info
nnoremap <leader>rtl <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').topic_picker()<cr>
" Nodes list & info
nnoremap <leader>rnl <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').node_picker()<cr>
" Services list & info
nnoremap <leader>rsl <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').service_picker()<cr>
" Service definitions list & info
nnoremap <leader>rds <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').srv_picker()<cr>
" Message definitions list & info
nnoremap <leader>rdm <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').msg_picker()<cr>
" Params list & values
nnoremap <leader>rpl <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.telescope.pickers').param_picker()<cr>
" Build entire workspace
nnoremap <leader>bb <cmd>lua require('').catkin_make()<cr>
" Build current package
nnoremap <leader>bp <cmd>lua require('').catkin_make_pkg()<cr>
" Execute current rostest
nnoremap <leader>rt <cmd>lua require('ros-nvim.test').rostest()<cr>