The basketball enthusiast's preferred way to track stats for their favorite players.
For The Win is an app where you can make or join a fantasy basketball league (up to 5 members) and keep up with the stats of your favorite basketball players. Once you register for a free account simply choose 10 players to be on your team and track their stats on the dashboard. Each occurence of an offensive or defensive stat counts as a single point towards the user's total score. I.E., if one of your players had (4) 2 point shots, (1) assist and (3) rebounds in their last game, their total score for that day would be 8 points.
In addition, each user can view the schedule for all NBA teams on that day.
username: [email protected]
password: demo12345
A RESTful API, created by myself, as well as a third party API hosted by MySportsFeed were used to handle the requests from the client portion of For The Win.
'./routes/leagueRouter.js' -- details the creation, addition to and retrieval of a fantasy basketball league.
'./routes/loginRouter.js' -- details the login process using OAuth 2.0.
'./routes/registerRouter.js' -- details the user creation process, with several verification steps along the way.
'./routes/teamRouter.js' -- details how each user adds to, removes from, or gets their team of 10 players.
'./routes/proxyRouter.js' -- incorporates the use of the following feeds from MySportsFeeds: Cumulative Player Stats, Player Game Logs, Roster Players and Daily Game Schedule.