think-svg-captcha is just a wrap of svg-captcha.
const defaultOptions = {
size: 4, // size of random string
ignoreChars: '', // filter out some characters
noise: 3, // number of noise lines
color: false, // default grey, true if background option is set
background: '#ffffff', // background color of the svg image
width: 150, // width of captcha
height: 50, // height of captcha
fontPath: './fonts/Comismsh.ttf', // your font path
fontSize: 32, // captcha text size
charPreset: 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789' // random character preset
import ThinkSvgCaptcha from 'think-svg-captcha';
let captcha = new ThinkSvgCaptcha(options);
captcha.create(); // returns an object that has the following property: {data: 'svg path data', text: 'captcha text'}
captcha.svgCaptcha(text); // return a svg captcha based on text provided.
You can find more details at svg-captcha !