Hello, the purpose of this README.md file is to document the requirements met for Code Louisville's front-end development capstone project as coded by me. I have written a website that shows my interest in both growing & cooking with hot peppers.
The next section shows the featured requirements chosen from the syllabus in this capstone site project.
Feature Requirements: Choose a minimum of 3 of the below features and incorporate into your site • Use flexbox to rearrange 2 or more content areas on your page as the screen changes sizes
- multiple areas using flexbox
• Use media queries to switch from a one-column mobile layout to a two or more column desktop layout
- media queries added to handle both mobile & tablet layouts.
• Create a form that takes in at least two fields of information and validates input (for example, it checks to ensure email is the [email protected] forma
• Create a JavaScript function whose return value is used in your site. The function must be triggered by user action (ex: clicking a button).
- I have a contact form which calls a javascript function verifying the form cannot be submitted unless a name is provided.
• Create an image carousel with at least 3 images that it rotates through
- i have added an image carousel under the Peppers section just beneath "Sugar Rush Peach" peppers.
Additional Requirements: ALL of the below requirements must be met.
• Your project is responsive to different devices and/or browser sizes and improves the user experience in some way o We will look at your app on a desktop screen and a mobile device to see what changes occur o We must be able to see the change that your code is making on your website – a media query can be written correctly but have no actual effect. That will not be ok in this class.
• Your project includes at minimum 3 custom-written CSS elements (selectors, classes, etc) located in a .css file which are applied to your HTML elements o The CSS must be included in its own file, not “in-line” on your HTML page – we want to see that you can properly “link” a stylesheet o Many of the options in the first requirement will also fulfil this requirement
• Your project includes JavaScript in a separate .js file o Script tags in your HTML file must execute the JS file o Many of the options in the first requirement will also fulfil this requirement
• Your code have comments that document major sections of your code to make it easier to read o You don’t need to go crazy on this - a few code comments are perfectly fine
• Your project code is uploaded to your GitHub account, in its own repository, with at least5 commits o We need to see that you’ve used Git to update your GitHub profile at least 5times o Using GitHub’s file uploader does not count as a check-in. You must upload via Git.
• It must include a README file located at the top level directory of your project that includes: o A description of your project o What features you chose to include (so we know what to look for) o Any special instructions we might need to run your project