This algorithm detects whether a biconnected input graph is biconnected outerplanar or not.
- The algorithm requires a biconnected input graph: to create one, run the BCC output on an arbitrary graph and feed the resulting BCCs to this algorithm one by one.
This space-efficient outerplanar detection
- uses a virtual graph consisting of a bit vector and a ragged dictionary
- uses a compact array with rank-select for path counters
- Time: O(n log(log(n)))
- Space: O(n) bits
#include "sealib/iterator/outerplanarchecker.h"
#include "sealib/graph/graphcreator.h"
int main() {
Sealib::UndirectedGraph g = Sealib::GraphCreator::cycle(5000, 8);
Sealib::OuterplanarChecker c(g);
if(c.isOuterplanar()) {
// do something with the outerplanar graph