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Releases: thomas4019/mongo-query-to-postgres-jsonb

Update dependencies and fix null handling of $in and $nin

30 Nov 16:56
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Update dependencies and add option to disable containment

28 Jun 06:31
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Update dependencies and add browserified script

12 May 05:54
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Add browserify version

Better handling of arrayFields with array values

07 May 05:50
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See issue #14 for details of what was fixed

arrayFields projection fix

25 Nov 17:22
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There was a bug with projections when using the optional arrayFields argument which caused it not to support projecting the full array. This has now been fixed.

Projecting into arrays with arrayFields

25 Nov 06:10
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This provides similar support to projections like what is already provided for filtering. If you want to be able to project object fields nested inside of an array in the way mongo supports, you can do this now, but you need to pass in the list dotted paths which are arrays so the query can be properly created.

The arrayFields option can now have full dotted paths

25 Nov 06:08
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For the arrayFields option, values such as [''] can be passed in to signify that the cars field inside the garage field is an array. Previously, arrayFields only worked at the top level.

ArrayPaths wildcard option

25 Nov 06:06
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Add support for passing true (as the 3rd parameter to the main function) to mean all paths may potentially be an array.
This is useful for those wanting better array querying support, but don't know which paths may be arrays. Using this option will reduce performance substantially.