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thomasfredericks edited this page Dec 22, 2013 · 2 revisions


Metro library for Arduino or Wiring that facilitates the implementation of recurring timed events by Thomas Ouellet Fredericks with contributions from: Paul Bouchier and Benjamin.soelberg


Download the latest version here :


Put the Metro folder in your Arduino or Wiring "libraries".



Instantiates a Metro object with a default interval of 1000 milliseconds.

Metro(unsigned long interval)

Instantiates a Metro object with a set interval in milliseconds.

byte check()

Because Metro does not use interrupts, you have to "check" the Metro regularly (as often as possible). check() returns true if the interval has lapsed. Returns false if not.

void interval(unsigned long interval)

Changes the interval in milliseconds.

void reset()

Restarts/resets the Metro. Often a good idea if you change the interval.