Fireplace is an Web based Tizen app built for Samsung Smart TV. It will simply transform your TV to a cozy fireplace. Several kind of fireplaces are offered. Use your remote to browse among them and find your favorite. As bonus you will be able to earing fire crackling in order to improve realistic effect.
You must install Tizen Studio
and configure your certificate for being able to install app to your TV. Please refer to Samsung Developer website in order to follow these prerequesite steps. After that, run following commands :
# Clone this repo
git clone && cd fireplace
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Build app (in watch mode)
npm run build
# Rub app on your TV
npm run wits-watch
Fireplace is a personal side project that respond to my needs about transforming my TV into a fireplace and used to discover React world.
Probably some bugs are present and bad practices are used. So feel free to contribute by opening a pull request.
A feature is missing, feel free to talk by opening an issue.
This project is only possible with free videos contributions found at Pixabay platform. This code is released under MIT license.