We build on top of our previous implementation of swim-like ping ack failure detector and HDFS-like Simple Distributed File System (SDFS) to implement the distributed learning cluster, Illinois DNNs (IDunno). This Machine Learning platform provides training and inference features for a neural network or multiple networks simultaneously. You can implement your own network, train and do inference on IDunno. You can also skip the training phase by load pre-trained models and start model serving.
To use IDunno, you need to setup required enviroment first. To make this easy, we provide a requirements.txt, please use the following command in project, we assume you already installed some other requirements needed for your model, you can also use install.sh in script/ to install the requirement for pytorch easily.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To start the IDunno, first you need to start the SDFS, please go the machine you want to use as SDFS and execute following commands in sdfs/, you need at least four SDFS machines and you should start the introducer sdfs machine first:
python3 server.py
And use following command to join the memberlist of failure detector in SDFS, please notice that you need to first join the introducer before other nodes:
To list the current membership list, on any node run:
Please notice that all following command should be executed in IDunno/
Then you need to start the introducer for IDunno, you can run following command:
python3 introducer.py
Now please open the coordinator and hot-stadby coordinator on specific machine by following commands:
python3 coordinator.py
You can start any amount of workers by following command in your worker machine, the worker will join the IDunno automatically:
python3 worker.py
Then you can run following command to start client:
python3 client.py
We support follwing commands:
sub <job name> <local data path> <batch size>
set-batch <job name> <batch size>
kill <worker/coordinator> <vm id>
Alternatively, you can use the provided scripts to start SDFS/coordinates/workers quickly. To use the scripts, first, use:
sh start_sdfs.sh
this will load the script appointed machines to serve as the SDFS, then manually start the defined coordinator using the command provided above. Finally, simply run:
sh start_workers.sh [excluded worker 1] [excluded worker 2]
to start the hot standby and all the workers except for the excluded workers. Excluded worker is the ID of a VM and if not specified, the default argument value would be 3 and 4 which means the worker on VM 3 and VM 4 has not been started yet. This is for the convenience of shutting down the workers during IDunno is running. Please remember to start the excluded workers before the jobs are submitted.
Finally, start the client and do the job using the command mentioned above!
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]
Tian Luan & Hang Yu