- Changelog
- Description
- Install Instructions
- RedstoneTools Controls
- Extensive Report
- Gameplay
- Screenshots
The project aimed to create an emulation of Minecraft's vanilla redstone circuits with additional mechanics from prolific Minecraft Mods, such as ProjectRed, RFTools, Minecraft Circuit Mod and Super Circuit Maker, providing an interface to manipulate and simulate circuits.
Developed by Telmo Baptista and Tiago Silva.
To install the game it is just needed to download the source code, and compile it and run it using Gradle or similar. Make sure you have Java installed and configured. Before running, ensure your system has the Consolas font.
Navigate the menus using the arrow keys and Enter. After you open a circuit, a help menu becomes accessible by pressing H
Lanterna Start Menu
From left to right, top to bottom:
- Wire and demonstration of all possible connections the wire can have.
- Constant Source, Lever (not active), Lever (active), Repeater, NOT >Gate, AND Gate, OR Gate, NAND Gate, NOR Gate, XOR Gate, XNOR Gate.
- Comparator (comparison), Comparator (subtraction) , Digit (receiving power), Digit (not receiving), Counter, Timer (pulse mode), Timer (switch mode), IO Tile (incative facing up), IO Tile (outputting to the right), IO Tile (inputting from down), Custom Tile (one possible).
- Demonstration of decaying power on the wire, changing the intensity of its colour and current selected tile shown with magenta background.