Remotely control your 3d-printer with OctoPrint and balenaCloud! Octoprint is exposed on port 80 which can be remotely accessible via the balenaCloud public URL feature.
This is a very simple implementation of OctoPrint designed to get you up and running with the basics. It's recommended that once you're up and running that you fork this repo and add your own customizations. For a more fully-featured installation check out Octobalena.
Running this project is as simple as deploying it to a balenaCloud application, then downloading the OS image from the dashboard and flashing your SD card.
We recommend this button as the de-facto method for deploying new apps on balenaCloud, but as an alternative, you can set this project up with the repo and balenaCLI if you choose. Get the code from this repo, and set up balenaCLI on your computer to push the code to balenaCloud and your devices. Read more.