This is a Pytorch implementation of our paper.
LOVE, Learning Out-of-Vocabulary Embeddings, can produce word embeddings for arbitrary words, including out-of-vocabulary words like misspelled words, rare words, domain-specific words..... Meanwhile, LOVE can make language models (BERT, fasttext, etc) robust with very little cost, e.g., 6m additional parameters.
Specifically, LOVE follows the principle of mimick-like models [2] to generate vectors for unseen words, by learning the behavior of pre-trained embeddings using only the surface form of words, as shown in the below figure.
To our best knowledge, LOVE is the first one to use contrastive learning for word-level representations.
The framework is shown in the below figure, and it uses various data augmentations to generate positive samples.
Another distinction is that LOVE adopts a novel fully attention-based encoder named PAM to mimic the vectors from pre-trained embeddings.
You can find all details in our paper.
As we know, pre-trained embeddings like FastText use a fixed-size vocabulary, which means the performance decreases a lot when dealing with OOV words.
LOVE can mimic the behavior of pre-trained language models (including BERT) and impute vectors for any words.
For example, mispleling is a typo word, and LOVE can impute a reasonable vector for it:
from produce_emb import produce
oov_word = 'mispleling'
emb = produce(oov_word)
## output [-0.0582502 -0.11268596 -0.12599416 0.09926333 0.02513208 0.01140639
-0.02326127 -0.007608 0.01973115 0.12448607]
LOVE can be used in a plug-and-play fashion with FastText and BERT, where it significantly improves their robustness.
For example, LOVE with 6.5M can work with FastText (900+M) together and improve its robustness, as shown in the figure:
Clone the repository and set up the environment via "requirements.txt". Here we use python3.6.
pip install -r requirements.txt
In our experiments, we use the FastText as target vectors [1]. Download.
After downloading, put the embedding file in the path data/
First you can use -help
to show the arguments
python -help
Once completing the data preparation and environment setup, we can train the model via
We have also provided sample datasets, you can just run the mode without downloading.
python -dataset data/wiki_100.vec
Currently, we provided two versions of LOVE. After downloading the model file, move it to this pathoutput/
and modify the corresponding path for loading pre-trained parameters.
Model | Target | Dimension | Download |
love_fasttext | Fasttext | 300 | link |
love_bert_base_uncased | BERT-base-uncased | 768 | link |
To show the intrinsic results of our model, you can use the following command and we have provided the trained model we used in our paper.
## expected output
model parameters:~6.5M
[RareWord]: [plugin], 42.6476207426462
[MEN ]: [plugin], 68.47815031602434
[SimLex]: [plugin], 35.02258000865248
[rel353]: [plugin], 55.8950046345804
[simverb]: [plugin], 28.7233237185531
[muturk]: [plugin], 63.77020916555088
Here, SST2 (Text Classification) and CoNLL03 (Named Entity Recognition) are used for extrinsic evaluations. As LOVE can mimic the behaviors of dynamic (BERT) and static (Fasttext) embeddings, we show four different types of evaluations:
- CNN Text Classification. Encoder: CNN; Embedding: LOVE-FastText; Code: cnn_text_classification; LOVE Model: love_fasttext
- RNN NER. Encoder: Bi-LSTM+CRF; Embedding: LOVE-FastText; Code: rnn ner; LOVE Model: love_fasttext
- BERT Text Classification. Encoder: BERT-uncased; Embedding: LOVE-BERT; Code: undo
- BERT NER. Encoder: BERT-cased; Embedding: LOVE-BERT; Code: undo
First, to generate embeddings for all words in CoNLL03
from produce_emb import gen_embeddings_for_vocab
vocab_path = "extrinsic/rnn_ner/output/words.txt"
emb_path = "extrinsic/rnn_ner/output/love.emb"
gen_embeddings_for_vocab(vocab_path=vocab_path, emb_path=emb_path)
Then, to train a Bi-LSTM-CRF model based on the embeddings obtained by LOVE
Go to the folder extrinsic/rnn_ner
and run the script:
cd extrinsic/rnn_ner
After, you can see scores like this:
accuracy: 95.35%; precision: 83.83%; recall: 76.03%; FB1: 79.74
test acc on test set: 79.74
2. CNN Text Classification
Likewise, to generate embeddings for all words in SST2
from produce_emb import gen_embeddings_for_vocab
vocab_path = "extrinsic/cnn_text_classification/output/words.txt"
emb_path = "extrinsic/cnn_text_classification/output/love.emb"
gen_embeddings_for_vocab(vocab_path=vocab_path, emb_path=emb_path)
Then, to train a CNN model based on the embeddings obtained by LOVE
Go to the folder extrinsic/cnn_text_classification
and run the script:
cd extrinsic/cnn_text_classification
After, you can see scores like this:
epoch = 10
Epoch: 01 | Epoch Time: 0m 10s
Train Loss: 0.652 | Train Acc: 62.18%
Val. Loss: 0.579 | Val. Acc: 72.52%
Epoch: 02 | Epoch Time: 0m 15s
Train Loss: 0.538 | Train Acc: 73.29%
Val. Loss: 0.514 | Val. Acc: 75.57%
Epoch: 03 | Epoch Time: 0m 20s
Train Loss: 0.455 | Train Acc: 79.44%
Val. Loss: 0.491 | Val. Acc: 76.93%
Epoch: 04 | Epoch Time: 0m 11s
Train Loss: 0.405 | Train Acc: 82.32%
Val. Loss: 0.477 | Val. Acc: 77.85%
Epoch: 05 | Epoch Time: 0m 7s
Train Loss: 0.359 | Train Acc: 85.15%
Val. Loss: 0.497 | Val. Acc: 76.01%
Epoch: 06 | Epoch Time: 0m 10s
Train Loss: 0.326 | Train Acc: 87.19%
Val. Loss: 0.492 | Val. Acc: 75.95%
Epoch: 07 | Epoch Time: 0m 24s
Train Loss: 0.282 | Train Acc: 89.47%
Val. Loss: 0.519 | Val. Acc: 74.95%
Epoch: 08 | Epoch Time: 0m 15s
Train Loss: 0.242 | Train Acc: 91.56%
Val. Loss: 0.461 | Val. Acc: 79.26%
Epoch: 09 | Epoch Time: 0m 7s
Train Loss: 0.215 | Train Acc: 93.04%
Val. Loss: 0.460 | Val. Acc: 79.60%
Epoch: 10 | Epoch Time: 0m 11s
Train Loss: 0.184 | Train Acc: 94.32%
Val. Loss: 0.501 | Val. Acc: 77.20%
Test Loss: 0.422 | Test Acc: 80.42%
title={Imputing out-of-vocabulary embeddings with LOVE makes language models robust with little cost},
author={Chen, Lihu and Varoquaux, Ga{\"e}l and Suchanek, Fabian},
booktitle={ACL 2022-60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
This work was partially funded by ANR-20-CHIA0012-01 (“NoRDF”).
[1] Bojanowski, Piotr, et al. "Enriching word vectors with subword information." Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 5 (2017): 135-146.
[2] Pinter, Yuval, Robert Guthrie, and Jacob Eisenstein. "Mimicking Word Embeddings using Subword RNNs." Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. 2017.