Skipper is a tool for managing multiple local Laravel docker-compose deployment.
It is strongly opinionated towards the patterns used by Tiknil while building a laravel application.
- Install & Update
- Usage
- Architecture
- Mailpit for local emails
- Docker compose commands
- Project fields
- Development
- Troubleshooting
composer global require tiknil/skipper
Make sure that the composer binaries directory is in your $PATH
You can update Skipper to the latest version by running
composer global update tiknil/skipper
Register the current path as a skipper project:
# No options, sane defaults will be used and you will be asked to confirm the main fields
skipper init
# All fields can also be set via command line options
skipper init --host=[host] --name=[name] \
--compose-file=docker/docker-compose.yml \
--env-file=docker/.env \
You will be asked to automatically install the default laravel docker compose files.
See Project for details about each field.
Start the project containers
skipper sail
Stops the project containers
skipper dock
Install caddy root certificate
skipper proxy:certs
Once a project is running, skipper provides some useful commands to directly interact with it.
skipper bash # Start a new bash shell inside the PHP container
skipper composer [command...] # Run a composer command (use instead of composer [command]
skipper artisan [command...] # Run an artisan command (use instead of php artisan [command]
skipper tinker # Start a new Laravel Tinker shell
skipper backup # Create a new MySQL backup
skipper restore --file [file] # Restore a MySQL backup
Run skipper
without arguments for a complete list of available commands
Skipper runs a Caddy container, running as reverse proxy and forwarding requests to the corresponding project instance. Caddy is also able to generate HTTPS certificates for local domains, enabling a local environment very similar to a production deployment.
Skipper install its files inside the ~/.skipper
Skipper also runs a Mailpit container by default. You can see the web dashboard at localhost:8025
Laravel should use the host host.docker.internal
and port 1025
with driver SMTP:
This avoids running a separate mailpit/mailhog instance for each project.
You may need to run custom docker compose command for a project, e.g. ps
to see running containers.
You can use the compose
skipper compose [command]
Basically, replace each docker-compose [command]
with skipper compose [command]
This is required because skipper attaches some options to the docker-compose command that are required, such as the
name or the env file path.
For the reverse proxy to work, skipper need to know about a project and update the caddy configuration file.
A new project is registered using the init
All available projects are registered inside the
configuration file.
- name: The project name is used as the docker compose prefix for each container, volume or network related to the project. As a consequence, it must be unique and an update can result in data loss (new docker volumes will be used).
- host: The domain to register in the reverse proxy
- path: The path to the project root
- composeFile: relative path to the docker-compose file.
- envFile: relative path to the .env file for the docker-compose file
- httpContainer: name of the http container, where caddy should forward the requests
- phpContainer: name of the php container, where the utility commands should be run.
Skipper leverages strongly the Symfony console and process components.
If you are developing skipper and you need to test your edits, you have two choices:
- Run the
binary directly (e.g.bin/skipper list
) - Update your global composer.json file with a reference to the local project:
"repositories": [
"type": "path",
"url": "path/to/your/local/project"
Now running composer global require tiknil/skipper
your local version will be used instead of the published version.
In case of ssl errors after launching a new project, you probably need to install the Caddy root certificate into your system.
skipper proxy:certs
Note that the browser may cache the ssl error, you may need to wait a while after installing the certificate for the browser to stop showing warnings
In case ssl errors start occurring after the project is running for a while, it is probably caused by a time drift between your PC datetime and the container internal clock. You can reload the caddy container to resolve:
skipper proxy:reload
If your shell does not find the skipper command after the global installation with composer, you
probably do not have the composer bin
directory into your $PATH
Add the following line to your ~/.zshrc
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin
Then reload the file:
source ~/.zshrc
If you are not using zsh as your shell, refer to your preferred shell configuration file instead of ~/.zshrc