go-nmbrs is an API client library for accessing the Nmbrs API via SOAP 1.1.
API documentation can be found here: https://support.nmbrs.nl/hc/nl/categories/200216836-Nmbrs-API-for-developers
import "github.com/tim-online/go-nmbrs"
// get username & password
username := os.Getenv("NMBRS_USERNAME")
token := os.Getenv("NMBRS_TOKEN")
// build client
client := nmbrs.NewClient(nil, username, token)
client.client.Debug = true
// request all companies this token has access to
resp, err := client.Companies.List()
if err != nil {
companies := resp.Companies
import "github.com/tim-online/go-nmbrs/employees"
// get id of company
companyID := companies[0].ID
// request all employees for this company ID
resp2, err := client.Employees.ListByCompany(companyID, employees.All)
if err != nil {