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Refactor compression setting storage
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This patch drops the catalog table _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression
and stores those settings in _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings instead.
The storage format is changed and the new table will have 1 entry per relation
instead of 1 entry per column and has no dependancy on hypertables.
All other aspects of compression will remain the same. This is refactoring is
to enable per chunk compression settings in a follow-up patch.
  • Loading branch information
svenklemm committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent bc935ab commit 36c3656
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Showing 47 changed files with 1,752 additions and 1,876 deletions.
26 changes: 11 additions & 15 deletions sql/pre_install/tables.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -466,23 +466,19 @@ CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_algorithm (
CONSTRAINT compression_algorithm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression (
hypertable_id integer NOT NULL,
attname name NOT NULL,
compression_algorithm_id smallint,
segmentby_column_index smallint,
orderby_column_index smallint,
orderby_asc boolean,
orderby_nullsfirst boolean,
-- table constraints
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_pkey PRIMARY KEY (hypertable_id, attname),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_orderby_column_index_key UNIQUE (hypertable_id, orderby_column_index),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_segmentby_column_index_key UNIQUE (hypertable_id, segmentby_column_index),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_compression_algorithm_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (compression_algorithm_id) REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.compression_algorithm (id),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (hypertable_id) REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable (id) ON DELETE CASCADE
CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings (
relid regclass NOT NULL,
segmentby text[],
orderby text[],
orderby_desc bool[],
orderby_nullsfirst bool[],
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (relid),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_segmentby CHECK (array_ndims(segmentby) = 1),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_orderby_null CHECK ((orderby IS NULL AND orderby_desc IS NULL AND orderby_nullsfirst IS NULL) OR (orderby IS NOT NULL AND orderby_desc IS NOT NULL AND orderby_nullsfirst IS NOT NULL)),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_orderby_cardinality CHECK (array_ndims(orderby) = 1 AND array_ndims(orderby_desc) = 1 AND array_ndims(orderby_nullsfirst) = 1 AND cardinality(orderby) = cardinality(orderby_desc) AND cardinality(orderby) = cardinality(orderby_nullsfirst))

SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('_timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression', '');
SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('_timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings', '');

CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_chunk_size (
chunk_id integer NOT NULL,
Expand Down
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/latest-dev.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,3 +43,34 @@ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS @[email protected]_data_node;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS @[email protected]_exec;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS @[email protected]_distributed_restore_point;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS @[email protected]_replication_factor;

CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings (
relid regclass NOT NULL,
segmentby text[],
orderby text[],
orderby_desc bool[],
orderby_nullsfirst bool[],
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (relid),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_segmentby CHECK (array_ndims(segmentby) = 1),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_orderby_null CHECK ( (orderby IS NULL AND orderby_desc IS NULL AND orderby_nullsfirst IS NULL) OR (orderby IS NOT NULL AND orderby_desc IS NOT NULL AND orderby_nullsfirst IS NOT NULL) ),
CONSTRAINT compression_settings_check_orderby_cardinality CHECK (array_ndims(orderby) = 1 AND array_ndims(orderby_desc) = 1 AND array_ndims(orderby_nullsfirst) = 1 AND cardinality(orderby) = cardinality(orderby_desc) AND cardinality(orderby) = cardinality(orderby_nullsfirst))

INSERT INTO _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings(relid, segmentby, orderby, orderby_desc, orderby_nullsfirst)
format('%I.%I', ht.schema_name, ht.table_name)::regclass,
array_agg(attname ORDER BY segmentby_column_index) FILTER(WHERE segmentby_column_index >= 1) AS compress_segmentby,
array_agg(attname ORDER BY orderby_column_index) FILTER(WHERE orderby_column_index >= 1) AS compress_orderby,
array_agg(NOT orderby_asc ORDER BY orderby_column_index) FILTER(WHERE orderby_column_index >= 1) AS compress_orderby_desc,
array_agg(orderby_nullsfirst ORDER BY orderby_column_index) FILTER(WHERE orderby_column_index >= 1) AS compress_orderby_nullsfirst
FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression hc
INNER JOIN _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht ON = hc.hypertable_id
GROUP BY hypertable_id, ht.schema_name, ht.table_name;

GRANT SELECT ON _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings TO PUBLIC;
SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('_timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings', '');

ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb DROP TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression;
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS timescaledb_information.compression_settings;
DROP TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression;

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions sql/updates/reverse-dev.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -141,3 +141,53 @@ CREATE FUNCTION @[email protected]_replication_factor(
AS '@MODULE_PATHNAME@', 'ts_hypertable_distributed_set_replication_factor' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE;

CREATE TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression (
hypertable_id integer NOT NULL,
attname name NOT NULL,
compression_algorithm_id smallint,
segmentby_column_index smallint,
orderby_column_index smallint,
orderby_asc boolean,
orderby_nullsfirst boolean,
-- table constraints
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_pkey PRIMARY KEY (hypertable_id, attname),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_orderby_column_index_key UNIQUE (hypertable_id, orderby_column_index),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_segmentby_column_index_key UNIQUE (hypertable_id, segmentby_column_index),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_compression_algorithm_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (compression_algorithm_id) REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.compression_algorithm (id),
CONSTRAINT hypertable_compression_hypertable_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (hypertable_id) REFERENCES _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable (id) ON DELETE CASCADE

INSERT INTO _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression(
WHEN att.attname = ANY(cs.segmentby) THEN 0
WHEN att.atttypid IN ('numeric'::regtype) THEN 1
WHEN att.atttypid IN ('float4'::regtype,'float8'::regtype) THEN 3
WHEN att.atttypid IN ('int2'::regtype,'int4'::regtype,'int8'::regtype,'date'::regtype,'timestamp'::regtype,'timestamptz'::regtype) THEN 4
WHEN EXISTS(SELECT FROM pg_operator op WHERE op.oprname = '=' AND op.oprkind = 'b' AND op.oprcanhash = true AND op.oprleft = att.atttypid AND op.oprright = att.atttypid) THEN 2
END AS compression_algorithm_id,
CASE WHEN att.attname = ANY(cs.segmentby) THEN array_position(cs.segmentby, att.attname::text) ELSE NULL END AS segmentby_column_index,
CASE WHEN att.attname = ANY(cs.orderby) THEN array_position(cs.orderby, att.attname::text) ELSE NULL END AS orderby_column_index,
CASE WHEN att.attname = ANY(cs.orderby) THEN NOT cs.orderby_desc[array_position(cs.orderby, att.attname::text)] ELSE false END AS orderby_asc,
CASE WHEN att.attname = ANY(cs.orderby) THEN cs.orderby_nullsfirst[array_position(cs.orderby, att.attname::text)] ELSE false END AS orderby_nullsfirst
FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht
INNER JOIN _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings cs ON cs.relid = format('%I.%I',ht.schema_name,ht.table_name)::regclass
LEFT JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = format('%I.%I',ht.schema_name,ht.table_name)::regclass AND attnum > 0
WHERE compressed_hypertable_id IS NOT NULL;

SELECT pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump('_timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression', '');
GRANT SELECT ON _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression TO PUBLIC;

DROP VIEW timescaledb_information.compression_settings;
ALTER EXTENSION timescaledb DROP TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings;
DROP TABLE _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings;
37 changes: 24 additions & 13 deletions sql/views.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -287,19 +287,30 @@ WHERE dim.hypertable_id =;

---compression parameters information ---
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW timescaledb_information.compression_settings AS
SELECT ht.schema_name AS hypertable_schema,
ht.table_name AS hypertable_name,
FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable_compression segq,
_timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht
WHERE segq.hypertable_id =
AND (segq.segmentby_column_index IS NOT NULL
OR segq.orderby_column_index IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY table_name,
schema_name AS hypertable_schema,
table_name AS hypertable_name,
(unnest(cs.segmentby))::name COLLATE "C" AS attname,
generate_series(1,array_length(cs.segmentby,1))::smallint AS segmentby_column_index,
NULL::smallint AS orderby_column_index,
NULL::bool AS orderby_asc,
NULL::bool AS orderby_nullsfirst
FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht
INNER JOIN _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings cs ON cs.relid = format('%I.%I',ht.schema_name,ht.table_name)::regclass AND cs.segmentby IS NOT NULL
WHERE compressed_hypertable_id IS NOT NULL
schema_name AS hypertable_schema,
table_name AS hypertable_name,
(unnest(cs.orderby))::name COLLATE "C" AS attname,
NULL::smallint AS segmentby_column_index,
generate_series(1,array_length(cs.orderby,1))::smallint AS orderby_column_index,
unnest(array_replace(array_replace(array_replace(cs.orderby_desc,false,NULL),true,false),NULL,true)) AS orderby_asc,
unnest(cs.orderby_nullsfirst) AS orderby_nullsfirst
FROM _timescaledb_catalog.hypertable ht
INNER JOIN _timescaledb_catalog.compression_settings cs ON cs.relid = format('%I.%I',ht.schema_name,ht.table_name)::regclass AND cs.orderby IS NOT NULL
WHERE compressed_hypertable_id IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY hypertable_name,

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/hypertable.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@
#include <parser/parse_coerce.h>

#include "hypertable.h"
#include "ts_catalog/compression_settings.h"
#include "ts_catalog/hypertable_data_node.h"
#include "ts_catalog/catalog.h"
#include "ts_catalog/metadata.h"
#include "hypercube.h"
#include "dimension.h"
#include "chunk.h"
#include "chunk_adaptive.h"
#include "ts_catalog/hypertable_compression.h"
#include "subspace_store.h"
#include "hypertable_cache.h"
#include "trigger.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ hypertable_tuple_delete(TupleInfo *ti, void *data)

/* remove any associated compression definitions */
ts_compression_settings_delete(ts_hypertable_id_to_relid(hypertable_id, true));

if (!compressed_hypertable_id_isnull)
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/process_utility.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,9 @@
#include "hypercube.h"
#include "hypertable.h"
#include "hypertable_cache.h"
#include "ts_catalog/compression_settings.h"
#include "ts_catalog/hypertable_data_node.h"
#include "ts_catalog/array_utils.h"
#include "dimension_vector.h"
#include "indexing.h"
#include "scan_iterator.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1952,11 +1954,11 @@ process_rename_column(ProcessUtilityArgs *args, Cache *hcache, Oid relid, Rename
Hypertable *ht = ts_hypertable_cache_get_entry(hcache, relid, CACHE_FLAG_MISSING_OK);
Dimension *dim;

if (NULL == ht)
if (!ht)
Chunk *chunk = ts_chunk_get_by_relid(relid, false);

if (NULL != chunk)
if (chunk)
errmsg("cannot rename column \"%s\" of hypertable chunk \"%s\"",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2019,6 +2021,7 @@ process_rename_column(ProcessUtilityArgs *args, Cache *hcache, Oid relid, Rename
* we don't do anything. */
if (ht)
ts_compression_settings_rename_column(ht->main_table_relid, stmt->subname, stmt->newname);
add_hypertable_to_process_args(args, ht);
dim = ts_hyperspace_get_mutable_dimension_by_name(ht->space,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ts_catalog/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ set(SOURCES
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions src/ts_catalog/array_utils.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,50 @@ ts_array_position(ArrayType *arr, const char *name)
return found ? pos : 0;

extern TSDLLEXPORT ArrayType *
ts_array_replace_text(ArrayType *arr, const char *old, const char *new)
if (!arr)
return NULL;

Assert(ARR_NDIM(arr) == 1);
Assert(arr->elemtype == TEXTOID);

Datum datum;
bool null;
int pos = 1;
ArrayIterator it = array_create_iterator(arr, 0, NULL);

while (array_iterate(it, &datum, &null))
* Our internal catalog arrays should either be NULL or
* have non-NULL members. During normal operation it should
* never have NULL members. If we have NULL members either
* the catalog is corrupted or some catalog tampering has
* happened.
Ensure(!null, "array element was NULL");
if (strncmp(TextDatumGetCString(datum), old, NAMEDATALEN) == 0)
datum = array_set_element(PointerGetDatum(arr),
arr = DatumGetArrayTypeP(datum);

return arr;

extern TSDLLEXPORT bool
ts_array_get_element_bool(ArrayType *arr, int position)
Expand Down
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion src/ts_catalog/array_utils.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,9 @@

#include "export.h"


* Array helper function for internal catalog arrays.
* These are not suitable for arbitrary dimension
Expand All @@ -20,7 +23,14 @@
extern TSDLLEXPORT int ts_array_length(ArrayType *arr);
extern TSDLLEXPORT bool ts_array_is_member(ArrayType *arr, const char *name);
extern TSDLLEXPORT int ts_array_position(ArrayType *arr, const char *name);

extern TSDLLEXPORT bool ts_array_get_element_bool(ArrayType *arr, int position);
extern TSDLLEXPORT const char *ts_array_get_element_text(ArrayType *arr, int position);
extern TSDLLEXPORT ArrayType *ts_array_add_element_text(ArrayType *arr, const char *value);

extern TSDLLEXPORT ArrayType *ts_array_add_element_bool(ArrayType *arr, bool value);
extern TSDLLEXPORT ArrayType *ts_array_add_element_text(ArrayType *arr, const char *value);

extern TSDLLEXPORT ArrayType *ts_array_replace_text(ArrayType *arr, const char *old,
const char *new);

12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/ts_catalog/catalog.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ static const TableInfoDef catalog_table_names[_MAX_CATALOG_TABLES + 1] = {
.schema_name = CATALOG_SCHEMA_NAME,
.schema_name = CATALOG_SCHEMA_NAME,
.schema_name = CATALOG_SCHEMA_NAME,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,10 +268,10 @@ static const TableIndexDef catalog_table_index_definitions[_MAX_CATALOG_TABLES]
[CONTINUOUS_AGGS_WATERMARK_PKEY] = "continuous_aggs_watermark_pkey",
.names = (char *[]) {
[HYPERTABLE_COMPRESSION_PKEY] = "hypertable_compression_pkey",
[COMPRESSION_SETTINGS_PKEY] = "compression_settings_pkey",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static const char *catalog_table_serial_id_names[_MAX_CATALOG_TABLES] = {
[CHUNK_COPY_OPERATION] = CATALOG_SCHEMA_NAME ".chunk_copy_operation_id_seq",
Expand Down

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