A music quiz application powered by Spotify.
Early alpha available on http://charlie-quiz.herokuapp.com/
The purpose of the application is to simplify the task of creating, distributing and playing music quizes. The original project was carried out in April and March, 2016 as part of the course "DAT076 - Web Applications" at Chalmers University of Technology.
The project was forked from the original one in September, 2016 with the purpose of rebuilding the project using Node.js instead of a Java backend, improve the product and add new functionality.
The original project members during the course were
The application is a Spotify based music quiz which lets users create a quiz from or based on a playlist. Friends can then join the quiz and everyone can play together. After starting the quiz, each user turns to their screen and selects one of four artist choices for the questions.
The application is built with AngularJS as the frontend application and Node.js as the backend solution.
To run this project follow the instructions below.
git clone https://github.com/timkersch/Charlie.git
Then in the Charlie directory install the dependencies with npm
npm install
Create a file for the environment variables
The structure of the file should be the following:
The first three entries are Spotify API credentials that can be created from Spotifys website.
The forth entry is the secret to sign the session cookie with.
The fifth entry is the url to your local mongodb server.
Then make sure you have a MongoDB server installed and fire it up from the command line using
Build for development using
npm run dev
or build a production bundle with
npm run prod
After the build step fire up the server and visit localhost
npm start