Provides an async Python 3.11+ interface for the monitoring platform API.
Note this API client is reverse engineered from observing requests being made in the web-application. Please report any failures to read data, this is likely to occur for readings as I am only able to create entries for devices that I have.
Install from PyPI
python3 -m pip install combined-energy-api
import asyncio
from combined_energy import CombinedEnergy
from combined_energy.helpers import ReadingsIterator
async def main():
Example using Combined Energy API client.
async with CombinedEnergy(
mobile_or_email="[email protected]",
) as combined_energy:
status = await combined_energy.communication_status()
# To generate a stream of readings use the iterator, this example fetches
# data in 5 minute increments
async for readings in ReadingsIterator(combined_energy, increment=300):
await asyncio.sleep(300)
You will need:
- Python 3.11+
- poetry
- pre-commit
Ensure pre-commit is installed into your git repository with pre-commit install