A REST API for managing passwords in a secured fashion.
- Secure password management using Java Cryptography Extension Key Store secret key as salt and used by bcrypt hashing function to encrypt password.
- User can access all of his or her accounts by using a single master password which is protected by SSL when sending over the wire.
This GitHub repository is configured with Travis CI integration. When changes are pushed to branch 'master', it will kick off a new Travis CI build based on what's defined in .travis.yml. In a nutshell, the build will consist of:
- Run maven build.
- Create/overwrite a tag named 'master-snapshot'.
- Create a GitHub release with the tag name in GitHub repository.
- Trigger a DockerHub build to build the docker image and publish to DockerHub.
sudo docker build -t joelin/passkeeper:latest . (assuming you are in the directory where Dockerfile is.)
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 joelin/passkeeper
sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v /tmp/keystores:/tmp/keystores joelin/passkeeper
sudo docker logs -f `sudo docker ps -f image=joelin/passkeeper -q`
sudo docker stop `sudo docker ps -f image=joelin/passkeeper -q`