Hello, my name is Tin Nguyen and I am a self-taught programmer from Vietnam. My passion is creating ideas and implementing them with beautiful interfaces, and I always care about the user experience, architecture, and code quality of what I build. In my programming passion, architecture is my favorite part. I focus on creating good software architecture and finding ways to use it effectively. I believe that good architecture will make the project easier to expand and maintain.
languages and tools:
- πΌ any freelance work? do reach, email :)
- π¬ ask me about anything, i am happy to help;
π this week i spent my time on:
TypeScript 10 hrs 1 min βββββββββββββββββββββββββ 79.38 %
YAML 56 mins βββββββββββββββββββββββββ 07.52 %
Dart 53 mins βββββββββββββββββββββββββ 07.09 %
JSON 20 mins βββββββββββββββββββββββββ 02.71 %
Other 10 mins βββββββββββββββββββββββββ 01.42 %
repositories i worked on.
- boilerplate-svelte: A svelte starter that I created to facilitate fast development.
- boilerplate-nextjs: A Next.js starter that I made for the final advanced web course.
- tradebook: A project that helps people record their crypto trading history.
- rocket-rs-boilerplate: A starter for the Rocket framework (written in Rust).
- nft_marketplace_solidity_yt: An NFT marketplace written in Next.js and Solidity, featured on my YouTube channel.
- docker-mysql-nodejs: A project using Docker, MySQL, and Node.js that I made in an advanced web course.
- nvim: My Neovim configuration (using nvimchad).
- hcmus-moodle-improved: A project that improves the layout of the school's Moodle website.
- dotfiles: My old Arch Linux dotfiles.
- anchor-the-vault: A Solana vault implementation.
- nextjs-k3-near-decentrablog: A blog written in Rust and deployed to the NEAR protocol.
- get-phimmoi-info: A project that crawls movie titles from phimmoi.
- taytrongbantay: A demo of taytrongbantay in Next.js.
- OOP-SnakeGame: A snake game made for an object-oriented programming course.
- codersx-basic-javascript: A project for the CodersX basic JavaScript course.
π my github stats