Implementation of cryptographic attacks. Mainly reproduction of recent cryptographic papers. A notebook-based repository with python or sage scritps. Every sub-directory contains :
- Notebook : step by step implementation with details, codes with explanation of the core idea.
- Python scripts : wrapped scripts for convenience which can be directly used in CTF challenges.
- A new attack on some RSA variants : bivariate coppersmith, RSA.
- A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Solving the Hidden Subset Sum Problem : orthogonal lattice attack, multivariate linearization attack, hidden subset sum problem.
- Linearization Attacks Against Syndrome Based Hashes : Fast Syndrome Based Hash (FSB), linearization attack, code-based cryptography.
- Reconstructing RSA Private Keys from Random Key Bits : RSA, random private key leak, pruning.
- Improving Bounds on Elliptic Curve Hidden Number Problem for ECDH Key Exchange : Elliptic Curve Hidden Number Problem (ECHNP), coppersmith's method.
- New Public-Key Cryptosystem Blueprints Using Matrix Products in Fp: breaking the matrix product cryptosystem, also an optimized implementation of Attacking trapdoors from matrix products.