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Proxy Configuration Plugin for Vagrant

Gem Version Build Status

A Vagrant plugin that configures the virtual machine to use specified proxies. This is useful for example in case you are behind a corporate proxy server, or you have a caching proxy (for example polipo).

The plugin can set:

  • generic http_proxy etc. environment variables that many programs support
  • default proxy configuration for all Chef provisioners
  • proxy configuration for Apt
  • proxy configuration for Docker
  • proxy configuration for Git
  • proxy configuration for npm
  • proxy configuration for PEAR
  • proxy configuration for Subversion
  • proxy configuration for Yum
  • simple proxy configuration for Windows

Quick start

Install the plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf

To configure all possible software on all Vagrant VMs, add the following to $HOME/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile (or to a project specific Vagrantfile):

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf")
    config.proxy.http     = ""
    config.proxy.https    = ""
    config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,,"
  # ... other stuff


This plugin requires Vagrant 1.2 or newer (downloads).

The plugin is supposed to be compatible with all Vagrant providers and other plugins. Please file an issue if this is not the case. The following providers are confirmed to work: AWS, Digital Ocean, VirtualBox, VMware Fusion.

For the proxy configuration to take effect for vagrant-omnibus plugin, version 1.1.1 or newer of it should be used.


Install using standard Vagrant plugin installation method: vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf. See the wiki for instructions to install a pre-release version.

The plugin hooks itself to all Vagrant commands triggering provisioning (e.g. vagrant up, vagrant provision, etc.). The proxy configurations are written just before provisioners are run.

Proxy settings can be configured in Vagrantfile. In the common case that you want to use the same configuration in all Vagrant machines, you can use $HOME/.vagrant.d/Vagrantfile or environment variables. Platform specific settings are only used on virtual machines that support them (i.e. Apt configuration on Debian based systems), so there is no harm using global configuration.

Project specific Vagrantfile overrides global settings. Environment variables override both.

It is a good practise to wrap plugin specific configuration with Vagrant.has_plugin? checks so the user's Vagrantfiles do not break if plugin is uninstalled or Vagrantfile shared with people not having the plugin installed. (For Vagrant 1.2 you have to use if defined?(VagrantPlugins::ProxyConf) instead.)

Default/global configuration

It's a common case that you want all possible connections to pass through the same proxy. This will set the default values for all other proxy configuration keys. It also sets default proxy configuration for all Chef Solo and Chef Client provisioners.

Many programs (wget, curl, yum, etc.) can be configured to use proxies with http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY etc. environment variables. This configuration will be written to /etc/profile.d/ and /etc/environment on the guest.

Also sudo will be configured to preserve the variables. This requires that sudo in the VM is configured to support "sudoers.d", i.e. /etc/sudoers contains line #includedir /etc/sudoers.d.

Example Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf")
    config.proxy.http     = ""
    config.proxy.https    = ""
    config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,,"
  # ... other stuff

Configuration keys

  • config.proxy.http - The proxy for HTTP URIs
  • config.proxy.https - The proxy for HTTPS URIs
  • config.proxy.ftp - The proxy for FTP URIs
  • config.proxy.no_proxy - A comma separated list of hosts or domains which do not use proxies.

Possible values

  • If all keys are unset or nil, no configuration is written.
  • A proxy should be specified in the form of http://[user:pass@]host:port.
  • Empty string ("") or false in any setting also force the configuration files to be written, but without configuration for that key. Can be used to clear the old configuration and/or override a global setting.

Environment variables


These also override the Vagrantfile configuration. To disable or remove the proxy use an empty value.

For example to spin up a VM, run:

VAGRANT_HTTP_PROXY="" vagrant up

Disabling the plugin

New Behavior Warning: Setting the plugin to disabled now unconfigures all or specific proxies.

The plugin can be disabled by setting config.proxy.enabled to false or empty string (""). This can be also be used to disable a proxy for some provider. Specific applications can be disabled by setting config.proxy.enabled to a hash( like { svn: false } or { svn: {enabled: false} }).

config.proxy.enabled         # => all applications enabled(default)
config.proxy.enabled = true  # => all applications enabled
config.proxy.enabled = { svn: false, docker: false }
                             # => specific applications disabled
config.proxy.enabled = ""    # => all applications disabled
config.proxy.enabled = false # => all applications disabled

Skipping the plugin

The plugin can also be skipped from applying/removing the proxy configuration for a specific provider.

When the plugin is disabled as in the following example:

  :apt => {
    :enabled => false,
    :skip    => true,
  :svn => {
    :enabled => false,
    :skip    => true,

The plugin is disabled, but skip = true means that no proxy configuration will be removed so the system will remain in it's most recent state. This can be useful if you just want to skip over specific provider being configured or unconfigured.

When the plugin is enabled as in the following example:

  :apt => {
    :enabled => true,
    :skip    => false,
  :svn => {
    :enabled => true,
    :skip    => true,

The plugin is enabled, but skip = true means that no proxy configuration will be applied so the system will remain in it's most recent state. This can be useful if you just want to skip over specific provider being configured or unconfigured.

In the example above the apt proxy will be enabled and proxy configuration will be applied, but the svn proxy even though it's enabled will be skipped.

Example Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.proxy.http = ""

  config.vm.provider :my_cloud do |cloud, override|
    override.proxy.enabled = false
  # ... other stuff

Configuration for applications

Configures applications to use proxy settings. The configurations will be written to configuration files for each application.

Configurable applications

Following applications can be configured. Configurations are based on default configuration(config.proxy.*) and can be overridden except SVN. SVN configuration is not set if no SVN specific configuration.

Application Base conf. Specific conf. Env. var.
configure_apt_proxy config.proxy.* config.apt_proxy.* VAGRANT_APT_*
configure_git_proxy N/A config.git_proxy.* VAGRANT_GIT_*
configure_svn_proxy N/A config.svn_proxy.* VAGRANT_SVN_*
configure_yum_proxy config.proxy.* config.yum_proxy.* VAGRANT_YUM_*

Example Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.proxy.http     = ""
  config.proxy.https    = ""
  config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,,"
  config.apt_proxy.http = ""
  config.apt_proxy.https = "DIRECT"
  # ... other stuff

Environment variables

These also override the Vagrantfile configuration. To disable or remove the proxy use "DIRECT" or an empty value.

For example to spin up a VM and set the APT proxy to `, run:

Provider Environment Variable Descrption Precendence
apt VAGRANT_APT_HTTP_PROXY Configures APT http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_APT_HTTPS_PROXY Configures APT https proxy Highest
VAGRANT_APT_FTP_PROXY Configures APT ftp proxy Highest
VAGRANT_APT_VERIFY_PEER Configures APT Verify-Peer Highest
VAGRANT_APT_VERIFY_HOST Configures APT Verify-Host Highest
chef VAGRANT_CHEF_HTTP_PROXY Configures CHEF http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_CHEF_HTTPS_PROXY Configures CHEF https proxy Highest
VAGRANT_CHEF_NO_PROXY Configures CHEF no proxy Highest
docker VAGRANT_DOCKER_HTTP_PROXY Configures DOCKER http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_DOCKER_HTTPS_PROXY Configures DOCKER https proxy Highest
VAGRANT_DOCKER_NO_PROXY Configures DOCKER no proxy Highest
env VAGRANT_ENV_HTTP_PROXY Configures ENV http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_ENV_HTTPS_PROXY Configures ENV https proxy Highest
VAGRANT_ENV_FTP_PROXY Configures ENV FTP proxy Highest
VAGRANT_ENV_NO_PROXY Configures ENV no proxy Highest
git VAGRANT_GIT_HTTP_PROXY Configures GIT http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_GIT_HTTPS_PROXY Configures GIT https proxy Highest
npm VAGRANT_NPM_HTTP_PROXY Configures NPM http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_NPM_HTTPS_PROXY Configures NPM https proxy Highest
VAGRANT_NPM_NO_PROXY Configures NPM no proxy Highest
pear VAGRANT_PEAR_HTTP_PROXY Configures PEAR http proxy Highest
svn VAGRANT_SVN_HTTP_PROXY Configures SVN http proxy Highest
VAGRANT_SVN_NO_PROXY Configures SVN no proxy Highest
yum VAGRANT_YUM_HTTP_PROXY Configures YUM http proxy Highest

Related plugins and projects

  • apt-cacher-box
    a Vagrant setup for apt-cacher-ng.
  • polipo-box
    a Vagrant setup for polipo caching web proxy.
  • vagrant-cachier
    An excellent Vagrant plugin that shares various cache directories among similar VM instances. Should work fine together with vagrant-proxyconf.

Installing a pre-release version

  • A released pre-release version:

    vagrant plugin install --plugin-source --plugin-prerelease vagrant-proxyconf
  • Development version from git repository:

    git clone
    cd vagrant-proxyconf
    # Optionally check out other than the master branch
    git checkout <branch>
    # If you don't have Ruby installed, you can use <path/to/vagrant>/embedded/bin/gem>.
    # If you have Docker you can use the Ruby image:
    # docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/usr/src/myapp -w /usr/src/myapp ruby:2.6 gem build vagrant-proxyconf.gemspec
    gem build vagrant-proxyconf.gemspec
    vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf-*.gem

    Paths to Vagrant's embedded gem:

    • Linux: /opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/gem
    • OS X: /Applications/Vagrant/embedded/bin/gem

Development Known Issues

When running bundle exec vagrant status I get Encoded files can't be read outside of the Vagrant installer.

$ bundle exec vagrant status
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The plugins failed to load properly. The error message given is
shown below.

Encoded files can't be read outside of the Vagrant installer.

The solution is to add this to the Gemfile

embedded_locations = %w(/Applications/Vagrant/embedded /opt/vagrant/embedded)

embedded_locations.each do |p|

    $stderr.puts "Couldn't find a packaged install of vagrant, and we need this"
    $stderr.puts 'in order to make use of the RubyEncoder libraries.'
    $stderr.puts 'I looked in:'
    embedded_locations.each do |p|
        $stderr.puts "  #{p}"

Development Environment Setup

NOTE: This should all be performed in the directory that you have git cloned the source.

NOTE: This also assumes you are using recent MacOS >= Catalina or recent Linux.

  • Install ruby 2.6.6 which is currently supported on Vagrant 2.2.5 to Vagrant 2.2.14
  • run make
  • After ensuring you are running ruby 2.6.6 and that you have have succesfully bundled vagrant-proxyconf you may test the current state of the plugin. For example, let's say you wanted to test #231 acceptance tests.
    • You would first cd test/issues/231/
    • Then bundle exec vagrant up
    • Then bundle exec rake spec


  • @tmatilai
  • @otahi
  • @jperville
  • @johnbellone
  • @SaschaGuenther
  • @mrsheepuk
  • @vboerchers
  • @rlaveycal
  • @pomeh
  • @mynamewastaken
  • @lawsonj2019
  • @jonekdahl
  • @hexmode
  • @craigmunro
  • @greut
  • @chucknelson
  • @codylane