This repository contains Fluent API that runs given MongoDB Database Tool with CliWrap.
ExampleApp project is project created for testing the Fluent Api.
It uses System.CommandLine.DragonFruit to collect arguments and gives them to Main method in Program.cs file.
Also SeedData method runs random data generator mgodatagen with configuration file database_config.json
that generates 1 000 000 documents in the database.
ExampleApp.Data is project created to connect to database with ready-to-use code.
FluentApi project is entry point of Fluent API.
Fluent API consists MongoUtilities class which gives you access to different utilities.
Currently only 3 of them are working:
MongoDump, MongoRestore and BsonDump.
Every utility have utility specific method described in their interfaces.
You must use them before using global ones that returns IMongoUtility.
Every utility becomes MongoUtility which at the other hand have Run method which starts given utility in a new process.
Mongodump utility example:
await MongoUtilities
Mongorestore utility example:
await MongoUtilities
BsonDump utility example:
await MongoUtilities
Currently it is configured for Linux systems.
If you want to run in Non-Linux enviroment you can modify MongoTools method in ProcessConstants class to return path to given utility in your machine.
Use dotnet run -- {option}
in terminal.
Dropping database: test
Dropped database test
connecting to mongodb://
collection test: done [====================================================================] 100%
collection test: generating [=====>--------------------------------------------------------------] 10%
+------------+---------+-----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------] 10%
| test | 1000000 | 2074 | _id_ 23288 kB |
run finished in 39.25s
Starting mongodump...
Importing 1000 elements...
2021-10-18T20:48:42.735+0300 writing admin.system.version to dump/admin/system.version.bson
2021-10-18T20:48:42.736+0300 done dumping admin.system.version (2 documents)
2021-10-18T20:48:42.740+0300 writing test.test to dump/test/test.bson
2021-10-18T20:48:45.724+0300 [###.....................] test.test 149462/1000000 (14.9%)
2021-10-18T20:48:48.723+0300 [######..................] test.test 257099/1000000 (25.7%)
2021-10-18T20:48:51.723+0300 [##########..............] test.test 439287/1000000 (43.9%)
2021-10-18T20:48:54.724+0300 [###############.........] test.test 626063/1000000 (62.6%)
2021-10-18T20:48:57.724+0300 [###################.....] test.test 828296/1000000 (82.8%)
2021-10-18T20:48:59.291+0300 [########################] test.test 1000319/1000000 (100.0%)
2021-10-18T20:48:59.291+0300 done dumping test.test (1000319 documents)
2021-10-18T20:48:59.291+0300 writing captured oplog to
2021-10-18T20:48:59.343+0300 dumped 322 oplog entries
Done importing elements...
Getting Document IDs
IDs acquired.
Document count: 1001000
Dropping database: test
Dropped database test
Starting mongorestore...
2021-10-18T20:49:37.283+0300 using default 'dump' directory
2021-10-18T20:49:37.283+0300 preparing collections to restore from
2021-10-18T20:49:37.284+0300 reading metadata for test.test from dump/test/test.metadata.json
2021-10-18T20:49:37.310+0300 restoring test.test from dump/test/test.bson
2021-10-18T20:49:40.284+0300 [#.......................] test.test 127MB/1.93GB (6.4%)
2021-10-18T20:49:43.283+0300 [##......................] test.test 172MB/1.93GB (8.7%)
2021-10-18T20:51:17.406+0300 [########################] test.test 1.93GB/1.93GB (100.0%)
2021-10-18T20:51:17.406+0300 finished restoring test.test (1000319 documents, 0 failures)
2021-10-18T20:51:17.406+0300 replaying oplog
2021-10-18T20:51:17.828+0300 applied 322 oplog entries
2021-10-18T20:51:17.828+0300 no indexes to restore for collection test.test
2021-10-18T20:51:17.828+0300 1000319 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
Getting Document IDs
IDs acquired.
Document count after RESTORE: 1000321