A Pythonic interface to cricbuzz, with options to get live scores, live commentary and scorecards.
You can find detailed explaination here: pycricbuzz blog
pip install pycricbuzz
- Get upcoming, live and recently concluded matches
- Commentary for live matches
- Scorecard for live and past matches
Basic Usage
Import the pycricbuzz library.
from pycricbuzz import Cricbuzz
c = Cricbuzz()
Get all the matches(live,upcoming and recently finished matches)
print c.matches()
Each match will have an attribute 'id'. Use this 'id' to get scorecard, brief score and commentary of matches.
Get brief score of a match
print c.livescore(match['id'])
Get scorecard of a match
print c.scorecard(match['id'])
Get commentary of a match
print c.commentary(match['id'])