ESP32-PsRamFS id a pseudo RamDisk library for Arduino-ESP32, with vfs compliance.
It provides a fs::FS
style filesystem using the psram of an ESP32-Wrover or any ESP32 equipped with PSRam.
Some unit tests are available in the example folder, consider setting the debug output level to DEBUG to see what's happening.
Directory support is still partial but the API is now vfs compliant.
Only use this if your situation requires a filesystem, otherwise consider dropping the filesystem and use Streams instead with the excellent arduino-BufferStream library.
#include <PSRamFS.h>
void setup()
PSRamFS.setPartitionSize( ESP.getFreePsram()/2 ); // use half of psram
Serial.println("PSRamFS Mount Failed");
- ESP32 with PSRam
Actually PSRam is optional, but strongly recommended.
For very low memory situations that still require some abstraction to access file data,
- ESP32-Wroom
- ESP32-Wrover
- ESP32-S2
- ESP32-S3
- ESP32-C3
- Broken support for
- Unimplemented
(fake support) - Partial support for
- No support for
- lbernstone special thanks for assisting me in this experience
- espressif
- Ivan Grokhotkov
- Bill Greiman
- lorolol
- sharandac
- Rob58329
- whiteaxxe