- multi node setup per Host (with optional VPN Setup, if required)
- setup Watchtower Container (can be disabled)
- setup Storj Exporter Container per Node (and build, if required)
- setup Storj Log Exporter Container per Node (if required)
- setup Prometheus Container (can be disabled)
- setup Grafana for Storj-Exporter-dashboard and/or Storj-Log-Exporter-dashboard Container (can be disabled)
With this Ansiblerole you can setup multiple Storjnodes on Docker with monitoring based on Storj Exporter and Storj-Exporter-dashboard. Also it installs Storj Watchtower for automatic updates of your nodes.
In combination with Openvpn you can also Setup VPN for your Nodes, if required.
The target server needs to have Docker already installed and running.
Variable | Description | Default value | Required |
storj_wallet | ETH Walletadress for Payout | - | yes |
storj_email | Emailadress of Nodeoperator | - | yes |
storj_address | external IP or DNS | - | yes |
storj_monitoring_path | Location where Monitoringdata will be Stored (Prometheus, Grafana) | - | yes |
storj_prometheus_retention | Retention of Data which is stored in Prometheus | 1y | no |
storj_prometheus_external_exporter | List of external exporters (exporter_address, prometheus_label, optional: log_exporter_address) | - | no |
storj_prometheus_config_template | Jinja2 Template for prometheus.yml | - | no |
storj_grafana_additional_networks | List of additional Dockernetworks which will be assigned to the Grafanacontainer (eg. for an Proxy) | - | no |
storj_network_name | Name of Dockernetwork | storj | no |
storj_network_subnet | Subnet of Dockernetwork | | no |
storj_network_gateway | Gateway of Dockernetwork | | no |
storj_network_iprange | Range of Dockernetwork | | no |
storj_deploy_watchtower | Shall it Deploy Watchtower? | true | no |
storj_build_exporter | Shall it Build an Exporterimage? | false | no |
storj_deploy_exporter | Shall it Deploy an Exporter per Node? | true | no |
storj_deploy_log_exporter | Shall it Deploy an Log Exporter per Node? | true | no |
storj_deploy_monitoring | Shall it Deploy Grafana? | true | no |
Variable | Description | Default value | Required |
name | Containername of the Node | - | yes |
ext_port_node | external/exposed Port of the Node | - | yes |
ext_port_dashboard | external/exposed Port of the Dashboard | - | yes |
ext_port_exporter | external/exposed Port of the Exporter | - | no |
ext_port_log_exporter | external/exposed Port of the Log Exporter | - | no |
storagesize | Nodesize | - | yes |
path | Root Directory for Node Storage | - | yes |
setup | Setup flag for an Node | "false" | no |
vpn_client | Name of the VPN Client Dockerimage | - | only for VPN Nodes |
vpn_ext_address | external IP/Domain of VPN Server | - | only for VPN Nodes |
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
- hosts: storj
- { role: role-storj-beastmode}
Create an group_vars file (named like the servergroup in the inventory file) per server on which the Nodes are located.
#General per Node
storj_wallet: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
storj_email: "[email protected]"
storj_address: "ip or dns"
storj_monitoring_path: /path/to/root/monitoring/storage
- name: node1
ext_port_node: 28900
ext_port_dashboard: 14000
storagesize: 12000GB
path: /path/to/data/storage
prometheus_label: Node 1
with VPN:
- name: node1
ext_port_node: 28900
ext_port_dashboard: 14000
ext_port_exporter: 9650
storagesize: 12000GB
path: /path/to/data/storage
vpn_client: client1
Example ansible run
ansible-playbook -i inventory storj.yml
Folder | Description |
{{ item.path }}/identity | Identity Files for the Node |
{{ item.path }}/data | Datastorage of the Node |
- Configured Portforwarding, based on your defined Port (ext_port_node)
- STROJ Identity
- Ensure your Disk is properly mounted and configured via fstab.
If you setup an new node you need to run the Playbook twice.
Configure all node variables
Store your identitie files of your node in your Ansible repository under files/storj/identities/<nodename>
First run with the variable setup on true:
setup: "true"
Delete the created container (storj-<name>) and remove the setup variable
Rerun the Playbook
This will maybe improved in the Future.
This Role also provides Support for VPN Nodes, anyhow the Dependencies ar not covered by this Role, for Setup please follow the related Guides. Where required also provided some additional Snippets to get the Setup running. For now the Dashboard cannot be accessed from within the Local Network, anyhow you can create an PortForwarding for the Dashboard on the VPN Server (unsecured by default).
You can Setup an Openvpn Server with openvpn-install
Following Configs have been Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
echo "ifconfig-push" > /etc/openvpn/ccd/client1
apt-get install iptables-persistent
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o <ext_ip_interface> -j SNAT --to-source <ext_ip>
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d <ext_ip> -p tcp --dport 28902 -j DNAT --to-dest
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -d --dport 28967 -j ACCEPT
iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4
Dockerimage for an openvpn-client
In order to properly connect the VPN Client Container together with the Storjnode Container the VPN Client Contanier needs to be named like this:
If required this role can build an exporterimage, it is keept for backwardcompatibility for this role.
The Prometheus configuration will be generated automatically for you. If you have a multiserver Setup, you can also add additional exporters via the storj_prometheus_external_exporter variable. If the config changes, the prometheus container (storj-prometheus) needs to be restarted.
Also keep in mind if you change existing prometheus labels all histiorical data for that node will be lost (except you are relabeling them).
- exporter_address: my.node.dns.or.ip:9651
prometheus_label: Node 1
Folder | Description |
{{ storj_graphs_path }}/prometheus/conf | Prometheus config (prometheus.yml) |
{{ storj_graphs_path }}/prometheus/data | Datastorage of Prometheus |
The Storj-Exporter-dashboard needs to be imported via GUI manually. Also you have to connect grafana to prometheus on the first setup. You can also Import the Dashboard for the Storj Log Exporter
Folder | Description |
"{{ storj_graphs_path }}/grafana/lib:/var/lib/grafana" | Grafana Plugins and Config |