- What is AiMOS?
- How to apply for a user id on AiMOS?
- What is the landing pad nodes?
- What is the frond end node?
- What is the compute node?
- How to login to AiMOS?
- What is the disk space on the nodes?
- How is slurm workload manager configured in AiMOS environment?
- What are the SLURM Frequently Used Commands?
- How to submit an interactive job via Slurm?
- How to submit a batch job via SLURM?
- How to install conda environment?
- How to install WML-CE (a.k.a PowerAI)?
- How to load different modules for your development and testing?
- How to install Jupyter notebook?
- How to display the WebGUI for a jupyter notebook running on a compute node via ssh tunnelling?
- How to transfer data in and out of AiMOS environment?
- How to request for NVMe storage on the compute nodes?
The IBM Research AI Hardware Center is a global research hub headquartered in Albany, New York. The center is focused on enabling next-generation chips and systems that support the tremendous processing power and unprecedented speed that AI requires to realize its full potential. AiMOS (short for Artificial Intelligence Multiprocessing Optimized System) serves as the test bed for the IBM Research AI Hardware Center. AiMOS consists of 2 front end nodes and 252 AC922 compute nodes configured in a 14 rack system.
Each compute node has:
2x 20 core POWER9 processors (Summit’s variant)
6x NVIDIA Volta V100 GPUs w/ 32 GB of HBM each
512 GB of DRAM
1.6 TB NVMe SSD storage
Dual, 100 Gb/sec Mellanox IB links
AiMOS uses Slurm for resource management and scheduler tool. The front end nodes are for developing applications or building the AI frameworks if needed as well as issuing SLURM commands to allocate the compute nodes for testing and running applications.
The following sections will provide you the basic steps to get you on-boarded to the AiMOS environment. If you need any assistance, please post your questions to the aimos slack channel or send email to [email protected] and [email protected].
You need to fill out the following forms, sign and send them to [email protected].
Once the forms are processed, you will receive emails from the system administrators at RPI for your account ID and temporary password. The next step is to Set your password.
You will receive the link similar to this, https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/password/?a=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&b=1, where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is your temporary password. You need to use the link to reset your password.
The next step is choose and set the Challenge Word: https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/challenge/
The last step is to choose the Personal Identification code (PIC). The PIC is case-sensitive and is made up of at least 4 numbers and/or letters. No special characters may be used. Do not use your bank PIN, account name, first or last name, or organization.
Install "Google Authenticator" app on your mobil device
Go to https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/totp
Enter your User ID, Password, the Challenge Word, the chosen PIC; Click Setup TOTP.
You will get QR code.
Go to the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device and scan the QR code.
You now have everything you need to login to a landing pad node.
For more information see https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/wiki/index.php?title=Landing_pad
Landing pad nodes are nodes that have an external IP. You will need to login to one of the landing pad nodes before you can access the AiMOS systems.
There are 4 landing pad nodes for AiMOS:
The front end nodes (a.k.a. login nodes) are nodes where you find Slurm, compilers, libraries, headers, development tools, etc. This is where you build your executables if needed, issue Slurm commands to submit jobs. In order to see some of the executables, libraries, etc., you may need to use module to load them first. For how to, please see section How to load different modules for your development and testing? section later in this documentation.
There are two front end nodes in AiMOS.
Compute node is node where you execute your application. There are 252 compute nodes in AiMOS. They are AC922 with 6 GPU each. You can only log in to the compute nodes that are allocated to you via SLURM commands.
dcs001.ccni.rpi.edu - dcs252.ccni.rpi.edu
The steps are ssh to a landing pad node, then from there ssh to a front end node for dcs cluster.
First you need to ssh to one of the landing pad nodes. For PIC+Token, enter your chosen PIC that you set above and the token from the Google Authenticator app on your mobile device. Note, do not enter + and space. For example:
$ ssh [email protected] PIC+Token: Password: Last login: Fri Mar 6 15:41:57 2020 from ** CCI SSH Gateway (Landing pad) ** ** ** ** Please report all support and operation issues to ** ** [email protected] ** ** ** ** On-line documentation for the systems can be found at: ** ** https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/wiki ** ** ** ** CCI does not provide any data backup services. Users ** ** are responsible for their own data management and ** ** backup. ** ** ** ** Use is subject to the terms of the policy for ** ** Acceptable Use of CCI Resources. ** ** **
It is strongly recommended that you set up the passwordless to login to the front end nodes and compute nodes. This is particularly required if you are running MPI workload. You only need to do this once.
ssh-keygen -t rsa cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
From the landing pad node, you ssh to the one of the front end nodes. There are two front end nodes: dcsfen01 and dcsfen02. For example:
[your-id@blp01 ~]$ ssh dcsfen01 Last login: Fri Feb 28 11:43:56 2020 from ** CCI DCS front-end node ** ** ** ** Please report all support and operation issues to ** ** [email protected] ** ** ** ** On-line documentation for the systems can be found at: ** ** https://secure.cci.rpi.edu/wiki ** ** ** ** Use is subject to the terms of the policy for ** ** Acceptable Use of CCI Resources. ** ** **
You need to set up the proxy in order to access the internet. However, RPI uses the white list to control which site is accessible. If the site is not accessible, you may want to download and scp them over to the AiMOS environment if the files are small enough. If that is not feasible, we can send a request to add the site to the white list.
It is strongly recommended that you set up the proxy by adding the following lines to your .bashrc. You only need to do this once.
export http_proxy=http://proxy:8888 export https_proxy=$http_proxy
Do not forget to source your .bashrc after you add the lines to the .bashrc for this to take effect.
The same GPFS filesystems are mounted on all the front end nodes and compute nodes in AiMOS.
This is the general user level filesystem view.
/gpfs /u /home /PROJ /USER /barn /barn-shared /scratch /scratch-shared
Each user is allocated a 10 GiB quota which includes user’s home, barn and barn-shared. This space is intended for long term storage and it will be saved.
home directory contains a link to scratch, the user’s personal scratch space. It also contains a link to scratch-shared, the project’s shared scratch space.
scratch and scratch-shared are meant as a temporary staging area for performing computation. Performance in this directory will be better than in the home or barn areas. This space does not have a quota. However, it will periodically be purged of files that are not used (either by read or write operation) in the last 56 days. WARNING: If purging files that are not used in the last 56 days is not sufficient to maintain enough working space, the RPI team may purge all files with with advance warning.
Due to the total space of 10 GiB in home, barn and barn-shared, it is best to use these directories to store "dot files", configuration files, scripts, or small programs needed to customize the working environment. You should use scratch and scratch-shared for things that require more space.
Slurm (used to be Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is the cluster management and job scheduler for AiMOS.
The fairshare allocation is used in the environment:
Each key partner (e.g., IBM, RPI) is given a fixed slice of AiMOS expressed as a percentage of the whole system Within a key partner’s “slice”, group projects are defined.
By default, each project gets a fair share of the overall partner level slice.
Inside each project, users accounts are created.
By default, each user gets a fair share of the overall group project level slice
You need to specify the time limit (-t <number of minutes>) on the SLURM command that you issue. If not, you will get an error message for that. The maximum time limit is set to 6 hours (360 mins) on AiMOS. |
For the complete list of SLURM manpage, see https://slurm.schedmd.com/man_index.html
For the summary for SLURM commands and options, see https://slurm.schedmd.com/pdfs/summary.pdf
The frequently used options for SLURM commands:
-n, --ntasks=ntasks number of tasks to run -N, --nodes=N number of nodes on which to run (N = min[-max]) -c, --cpus-per-task=ncpus number of cpus required per task --ntasks-per-node=n number of tasks to invoke on each node -i, --input=in file for batch script's standard input -o, --output=out file for batch script's standard output -e, --error=err file for batch script's standard error -p, --partition=partition partition requested -t, --time=minutes time limit -D, --chdir=path change remote current working directory -D, --workdir=directory set working directory for batch script --mail-type=type notify on state change: BEGIN, END, FAIL or ALL --mail-user=user who to send email notification for job state changes
salloc – allocate resources for a job in real time and start a shell.
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:6 -t 15 salloc: Granted job allocation 60780
squeue – reports the state of jobs or job step. By default, it reports the running jobs in priority order and then the pending jobs in priority order.
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 60780 dcs bash your-id R 1:07 1 dcs249 [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs249 Warning: Permanently added 'dcs249,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
To display when your pending job would be started:
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue --start JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST START_TIME NODES SCHEDNODES NODELIST(REASON) 93765 dcs,rpi pytorch_ your-id PD 2020-03-27T12:34:38 2 dcs[235-236] (Resources)
srun – submits a job for execution or initiates job steps in real time.
sattach – attach standard input, output, error and signal capabilities to a current running job or job step.
sbatch – submit a job script for later execution. The script typically contains one or more srun commands to launch parallel tasks.
sbatch ./batch-job.sh
scancel – cancel a pending or running job or job step.
scancel <JOBID>
sinfo – reports the state of partitions and nodes managed by Slurm.
[your-id@dcs249 ~]$ sinfo PARTITION AVAIL TIMELIMIT NODES STATE NODELIST debug up 30:00 5 drain* dcs[213,253-254,266],dcsfen02 debug up 30:00 11 down* dcs[040,074,109,119,121,124,126,168-169,173,270] debug up 30:00 20 drain dcs[026,068,086,154,194,199,206,209-211,216,236,242,246,250,255,257,259-260,269] debug up 30:00 78 alloc dcs[023-025,027-030,032-036,039,069-073,110-118,120,125,165,170-172,174-193,198,200-205,212,237-241,243-245,247-249,256,261-265] debug up 30:00 136 idle dcs[001-012,014-022,037-038,041-067,075-085,087-108,122-123,127-153,155-164,166-167,195-196,207-208,214-215,235,251-252,258,267-268] debug up 30:00 3 down dcs[013,031,197] dcs up 6:00:00 4 drain* dcs[213,253-254,266] dcs up 6:00:00 11 down* dcs[040,074,109,119,121,124,126,168-169,173,270] dcs up 6:00:00 20 drain dcs[026,068,086,154,194,199,206,209-211,216,236,242,246,250,255,257,259-260,269] dcs up 6:00:00 78 alloc dcs[023-025,027-030,032-036,039,069-073,110-118,120,125,165,170-172,174-193,198,200-205,212,237-241,243-245,247-249,256,261-265] dcs up 6:00:00 136 idle dcs[001-012,014-022,037-038,041-067,075-085,087-108,122-123,127-153,155-164,166-167,195-196,207-208,214-215,235,251-252,258,267-268] dcs up 6:00:00 3 down dcs[013,031,197] rpi up 6:00:00 1 drain* dcs218 rpi up 6:00:00 13 drain dcs[217,219-222,224-229,231-232] rpi up 6:00:00 2 alloc dcs[223,230]
For example, after ssh to one of the front end nodes, run salloc to allocate 1 node with 6 gpu for 15 minutes. After the command returns, you now run squeue command to see which node is allocated for the interactive session. In the example below, dcs249 is allocated. Now you can ssh to the node and execute your application.
[your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:6 -t 15 salloc: Granted job allocation 60780 [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 60780 dcs bash your-id R 1:07 1 dcs249 [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs249 Warning: Permanently added 'dcs249,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. [your-id@dcs249 ~]$ ls barn barn-shared etc Miniconda3-latest-Linux-ppc64le.sh scratch scratch-shared var [your-id@dcs249 ~]$ hostname -f dcs249.ccni.rpi.edu
After the specified time, which is 15 minutes in this example, the node is deallocated and you will no longer be allowed to ssh to the node.
[your-id@dcs249 ~]$ salloc: Job 60780 has exceeded its time limit and its allocation has been revoked. Killed by signal 1. [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs249 Access denied: user yourid (uid=6112) has no active jobs on this node. Access denied by pam_slurm_adopt: you have no active jobs on this node Authentication failed.
You need to create a script to submit via sbatch Slurm command. The script contains a list of SLURM directives (or commands) to tell Slurm what to do. This is a sample script to run a hello_MPI_c program.
Passwordless is required for MPI job. See Set up passwordless for how to. |
#!/bin/bash -x # The lines started with SBATCH are directives to sbatch command. Alternately, they can be specified on the command line. #SBATCH -J hello_MPI #SBATCH -o hello_MPI_%j.out #SBATCH -e hello_MPI_%j.err #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL #SBATCH --mail-user=<you email address> #SBATCH --gres=gpu:6 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 #SBATCH --time=02:00:00 # SLURM_NPROCS and SLURM_NTASK_PER_NODE env variables are set by sbatch Slurm commands based on the SBATCH directives above # or options specified on the command line. if [ "x$SLURM_NPROCS" = "x" ] then if [ "x$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" = "x" ] then SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE=1 fi SLURM_NPROCS=`expr $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES \* $SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE` else if [ "x$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE" = "x" ] then SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE=`expr $SLURM_NPROCS / $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES` fi fi # Get the host name of the allocated compute node(s) and generate the host list file. srun hostname -s | sort -u > ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID awk "{ print \$0 \"-ib slots=$SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE\"; }" ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID >~/tmp/tmp.$SLURM_JOBID mv ~/tmp/tmp.$SLURM_JOBID ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID # Load the required tools and libraries for the job. module load gcc/6.4.0/1 module load spectrum-mpi # Submit the job. mpirun --bind-to core --report-bindings -hostfile ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID -np $SLURM_NPROCS <PATH>/hello_MPI_c # Remove the generated host list file rm ~/tmp/hosts.$SLURM_JOBID
Submit the job via sbatch
sbatch ./hello_MPI.sh
Note: that you can specify the command options on the sbatch command line instead of using #SBATCH directive like in the sample script above.
With #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL, #SBATCH --mail-user=<you email address>, you should receive the email from SLURM when a job starts and ends to your email address.
You should also see the <job name>_<job_id>.out and <job name>_<job_id>.err in your current directory with #SBATCH -o hello_MPI_%j.out and #SBATCH -e hello_MPI_%j.err after the job completes.
Make sure that you set up the proxy before you proceed to the next step. See Set up proxy for how to. |
Download the the Miniconda3 installer if needed.
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-ppc64le.sh
Install the miniconda environment to scratch directory.
[BMHRkmkh@dcsfen01 ~]$ bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-ppc64le.sh -p ~/scratch/miniconda3 Welcome to Miniconda3 4.7.12 In order to continue the installation process, please review the license agreement. Please, press ENTER to continue >>> ... Do you accept the license terms? [yes|no] [no] >>> yes Miniconda3 will now be installed into this location: /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3 - Press ENTER to confirm the location - Press CTRL-C to abort the installation - Or specify a different location below [/gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3] >>> PREFIX=/gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3 Unpacking payload ... Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3 added / updated specs: - _libgcc_mutex==0.1=main - asn1crypto==1.2.0=py37_0 - ca-certificates==2019.10.16=0 ... yaml pkgs/main/linux-ppc64le::yaml-0.1.7-h1bed415_2 zlib pkgs/main/linux-ppc64le::zlib-1.2.11-h7b6447c_3 Preparing transaction: done Executing transaction: done installation finished. Do you wish the installer to initialize Miniconda3 by running conda init? [yes|no] [no] >>> yes no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/condabin/conda no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/bin/conda no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/bin/conda-env no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/bin/activate no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/bin/deactivate no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.sh no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/etc/fish/conf.d/conda.fish no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/shell/condabin/Conda.psm1 no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/shell/condabin/conda-hook.ps1 no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/xontrib/conda.xsh no change /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/conda.csh modified /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/.bashrc ==> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <== If you'd prefer that conda's base environment not be activated on startup, set the auto_activate_base parameter to false: conda config --set auto_activate_base false Thank you for installing Miniconda3! [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ source .bashrc (base) [your-idh@dcsfen01 ~]$
Watson Machine Learning Community Edition (WML CE), formerly PowerAI, is a free, enterprise-grade software distribution that combines popular open source deep learning frameworks, efficient AI development tools, and accelerated IBM® Power Systems™ servers to take your deep learning projects to the next level.
For more information, see https://developer.ibm.com/linuxonpower/deep-learning-powerai/releases/
Make sure that you set up the proxy before you proceed to the next step. See Set up proxy for how to. |
Set up ~/.condarc if needed. Below is the example of .condarc file. You need replace your-project with your PROJECT ID and *your-id" with your ID.
pkgs_dirs: - /gpfs/u/software/ppc64le-rhel7/.conda/pkgs - /gpfs/u/home/your-project/your-id/scratch/miniconda3/pkgs - /gpfs/u/home/your-project/your-id/.conda/pkgs channels: - https://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/server/ibm-ai/conda - defaults
As a best practice, you should install WML-CE in a new conda environment (i.e. not the base environment). That would enable you to have different versions of WML-CE.
For more information on how to install WML-CE, see https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS5SF7_1.7.0/navigation/wmlce_install.htm
Create a new conda environment wmlce-1.7.0 using python version 3.6.
conda create --name wmlce-1.7.0 python=3.6
Activate the created conda environment.
conda activate wmlce-1.7.0
Install WML-CE version 1.7.0 which is the latest version at the time of this writting.
For automatically accept the license
To install the whole powerai GPU packages in the created conda environment, run:
conda install powerai
To install the whole powerai GPU packages version 1.6.2
conda install powerai=1.6.2
To install the individual framework, such as pytorch or tensorflow.
For complete list of individual framework see https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS5SF7_1.7.0/navigation/wmlce_install.htm
conda install pytorch conda install tensorflow-gpu
To install powerai CPU packages in the created conda environment, run:
conda install powerai-cpu
To install RAPIDS packages, run:
conda install powerai-rapids
List the available modules on the node:
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ module available ------------------------------- /gpfs/u/software/ppc64le-rhel7/modulefiles -------------------------------- automake/1.16.1 (S) cmake/3.14.6 (S) parmetis/4.0.3/xl (T) xl/1 6.1.1 bazel/0.17.2/1 (T) gcc/6.4.0/1 pocl/1.2/1 (T) xl_r/13 ( O) bazel/0.18.1/1 (T,D) gcc/6.5.0/1 spectrum-mpi/10.3 (T) xl_r/16 ( T,D) bazel/0.18.0/1 (T) gcc/7.4.0/1 swig/3.0.12_1 (T) xl_r/16.1.1 bazel/0.21.0/1 (T) gcc/8.1.0/1 valgrind/3.15.0 (S) ccache/3.5/1 (T) gcc/8.2.0/1 (D) xl/13 (O) clang/7.0.0/1 (T) hwloc/2.0.2/1 (T) xl/16 (T,D) Where: O: Obsolete T: Testing S: Stable D: Default Module Module defaults are chosen based on Find First Rules due to Name/Version/Version modules found in the modul e tree. See https://lmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/060_locating.html for details. Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions. Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching any of the "keys".
For example, you want to load cmake module and spectrum_mpi module
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ module load cmake/3.14.6 (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ which cmake alias cmake='cmake3' /usr/bin/cmake3 (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ which cmake3 /usr/bin/cmake3 (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ module load spectrum-mpi (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ which mpirun /opt/ibm/spectrum_mpi/bin/mpirun
Make sure that you set up the proxy before you proceed to the next step. See Set up proxy for how to. |
It is recommended to install Jupyter notebook in a miniconda environment which includes a minimal Python and conda installation. You can install Jupyter notebook via conda install or pip install.
If you plan to use the AI framework with your notebook, make sure that you install Jupyter notebook in the conda environment that includes the AI framework. For example, if you want to use the AI frameworks that are included in the WML-CE, then you need to install Jupyter notebook in the environment that WML-CE was installed.
conda install -c conda-forge notebook
pip install notebook
For example:
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 wmlce-1.7.0]$ conda install -c conda-forge notebook Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done Solving environment: done ## Package Plan ## environment location: /gpfs/u/home/BMHR/BMHRkmkh/scratch/miniconda3 added / updated specs: - notebook The following packages will be downloaded: package | build
Verify the notebook installation.
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 wmlce-1.7.0]$ conda list | grep notebook notebook 6.0.3 py37_0 conda-forge
conda and jupyter notebook are installed on the node. For how to see How to install conda environment? and How to install Jupyter notebook?
In the following example, starting jupyter notebook on dcs085.
(wmlce-1.7.0) [your-id@dcs085 ~]$ jupyter notebook --ip= --no-browser
Start the ssh session to one of the landing pad nodes. For example:
[id@kvt-rhel ~]$ ssh -L8888:dcs085:8888 [email protected]
Go to the browser on the node, enter the following to tunnel to the jupyter notebook running on the compute node.
You should see the jupyter notebook after you enter the token at the login prompt.
Go to the putty entry for the landing pad node. For example:
Go section Connection→SSH→Tunnels, enter the jupyter notebok URL on the compute node and click Add, for example:
Start the putty session and login to the landing node as usual.
After that, go to your browser and enter the following to tunnel to the jupyter notebook running on the compute node.
You should see the jupyter notebook after you enter the token at the login prompt.
You need to use scp to copy data from/to your laptop/desktop to/from one of the landing pad nodes. Since the same gpfs file system is mounted on the landing pad nodes, front end nodes and compute nodes, the data will be available and accessible on all the nodes.
$ scp multigpu_basic*.ipynb [email protected]:~/scratch-shared/jupyter-notebooks PIC+Token: Password: multigpu_basic.ipynb 100% 6330 79.3KB/s 00:00 multigpu_basics.ipynb 100% 4258 55.0KB/s 00:00
If your desktop/laptop is running Windows, you use winscp to do the copy.
You MUST initiate the copy operation from your desktop/laptop. |
To request NVMe storage, specify --gres=nvme with your SLURM commands. This can be combined with other requests, such as GPUs. When the first job step starts, the system will initialize the storage and create the path /mnt/nvme/uid_${SLURM_JOB_UID}/job_${SLURM_JOBID}.
(base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ salloc -N 1 --gres=gpu:6 --gres=nvme -t 30 salloc: Granted job allocation 64444 (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ squeue JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON) 64444 dcs bash BMHRkmkh R 0:11 1 dcs055 (base) [your-id@dcsfen01 ~]$ ssh dcs055 Warning: Permanently added 'dcs055,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. (base) [your-id@dcs055 ~]$ (base) [your-id@dcs055 ~]$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on devtmpfs 243G 0 243G 0% /dev tmpfs 256G 64K 256G 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 256G 25M 256G 1% /run tmpfs 256G 0 256G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup rootfs 256G 7.6G 249G 3% / rw 256G 64K 256G 1% /.sllocal/log gpfs.u 1.1P 387T 640T 38% /gpfs/u /dev/nvme0n1 1.5T 77M 1.5T 1% /mnt/nvme (base) [your-id@dcs055 job_64444]$ pwd /mnt/nvme/uid_6112/job_64444
The NVMe storage is not persistent between allocations. |