This project provides an OAuth 2.0 "Authorization Code Grant" client as described in RFC 6749, section 4.1.
The client can be controlled through a PHP API that is used from the application trying to access an OAuth 2.0 protected resource server.
The following features are supported:
- "Authorization Code Grant" Profile
- Refresh Tokens
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This roughly means that if you write some PHP application that uses this client you do not need to release your application under (L)GPL as well. Refer to the license for the exact details.
If you want to integrate this OAuth client in your application you need to answer some questions:
- Where am I going to store the access tokens?
- How do I make an endpoint URL available in my application that can be used as a redirect URL for the callback from the authorization server?
Next to this you need OAuth client credentials from the authorization server
and REST API documentation from the service you want to connect to. You for
instance need to know the authorize_endpoint
, the token_endpoint
, the
and client_secret
As for storing access tokens, this library includes two backends. One for storing the tokens in a database (using the PHP PDO abstraction layer) and one for storing them in the user session. The first one requires some setup, the second one is very easy to use (no configuration) but will not allow the client to access data at the resource server without the session data being available. A more robust implementation would use the PDO backed storage. For testing purposes or very simple setups the session implementation makes the most sense.
For accessing the resource service a Guzzle plugin is available that will help you with that.
The sections below will walk through all the steps you need in order to get the client working.
In addition to this, a full example is available in the example
This includes index.php
that does the token request and requests the data.
Also a callback.php
is included to show how to use the Callback
API. Next
to this a composer.json
is included for use with Composer.
In order to easily integrate with your application it is recommended to use Composer to install the dependencies. You need to install two libraries to use this library:
Below is a simple example composer.json
file you could use:
"name": "fkooman/my-demo-oauth-app",
"require": {
"fkooman/guzzle-bearer-auth-plugin": "dev-master",
"fkooman/php-oauth-client": "dev-master"
You can create an client configuration object as shown below. You can fetch
this from a configuration file in your application if desired. Below is an
example of the generic ClientConfig
$clientConfig = new ClientConfig(
"authorize_endpoint" => "http://localhost/oauth/php-oauth/authorize.php",
"client_id" => "foo",
"client_secret" => "foobar",
"token_endpoint" => "http://localhost/oauth/php-oauth/token.php",
There is also a GoogleClientConfig
class that you can use with Google's
file format:
// Google
$googleClientConfig = new GoogleClientConfig(
json_decode(file_get_contents("client_secrets.json"), true)
The Google class also sets some Google specific options to deal with some specification violations. Configuration options to deal with specification violating services are:
in case the OAuth 2.0 AS returns"expires_in": null
this setting removes theexpires_in
field when it isnull
so it falls back to assuming the token is valid indefinitely. Set it totrue
to enable this configuration option, defaults tofalse
. AS with this behavior: SurveyMonkey.default_token_type
in case the OAuth 2.0 AS omits thetoken_type
field altogether. This allows you to set thetoken_type
. For example you can set it tobearer
if you know that is the type the AS returns. AS with this behavior: Salesforce.credentials_in_request_body
in case the OAuth 2.0 AS does not accept Basic authentication on the token endpoint. This will force the client to useclient_id
POST body fields to specify the credentials. This option will also make it possible to allow for theclient_id
to have a colon (:
) in it. AS with this behavior: Google, SurveyMonkey, GitHub.default_server_scope
in case the server returns a specification violating empty string asscope
. This will override the scope value allowing you to set one. It will ONLY be set when the server scope is an empty string, not as a default in all situations! AS with this behavior: Nationbuilder.use_redirect_uri_on_refresh_token_request
in case the server requires you to also provide the redirect_uri parameter on a refresh_token request. AS with this behavior: Nationbuilder.
Now you can initialize the Api
$api = new Api("foo", $clientConfig, new SessionStorage(), new \Guzzle\Http\Client());
In this example we use the SessionStorage
token storage backend. This is used
to keep the obtained tokens in the user session. For testing purposes this is
sufficient, for production deployments you will want to use the PdoStorage
backend instead, see below.
You also need to provide an instance of Guzzle which is a HTTP client used to exchange authorization codes for access tokens, or use a refresh token to obtain a new access token.
In order to request tokens you need to use two methods: Api::getAccessToken()
and Api::getAuthorizeUri()
. The first one is used to see if there is already
a token available, the second to obtain an URL to which you have to redirect
the browser from your application. The example below will show you how to use
these methods.
Before you can call these methods you need to create a Context
object to
specify for which user you are requesting this access token and what the scope
is you want to request at the authorization server.
$context = new Context("[email protected]", array("read"));
This means that you will request a token bound to [email protected]
the scope read
. The user you specify here is typically the user identifier
you use in your application that wants to integrate with the OAuth 2.0
protected resource. At your service the user can for example be
[email protected]
. This identifier is in no way related to the identity
of the user at the remote service, it is just used for book keeping the
access tokens. If you do not want to request any particular scope you can use
Now you can see if an access token is already available:
$accessToken = $api->getAccessToken($context);
This call returns false
if no access token is available for this user and
scope and none could be obtained through the backchannel using a refresh token.
This means that there never was a token or it expired. The token can still be
revoked, but we cannot see that right now, we'll find that out when we try to
use it later.
Assuming the getAccessToken($context)
call returns false
, i.e.: there was
no token, we have to obtain authorization:
if (false === $accessToken) {
/* no valid access token available, go to authorization server */
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: " . $api->getAuthorizeUri($context));
This is the simplest way if your application is not using any framework. If your application uses a framework you can probably use that to do "proper" redirect without setting the HTTP headers yourself. You should use this!
After this, the flow of this script ends and the user is redirected to the authorization server. Once there, the user accepts the client request and is redirected back to the redirection URL you registered at the OAuth 2.0 service provider. You also need to put some code at this callback location, see the next section below.
Assuming you already had an access token, i.e.: the response from
was not false
you can now try to get the resource.
This example uses Guzzle as well:
$apiUrl = '';
try {
$client = new Client();
$bearerAuth = new BearerAuth($accessToken->getAccessToken());
$response = $client->get($apiUrl)->send();
header("Content-Type: application/json");
echo $response->getBody();
} catch (BearerErrorResponseException $e) {
if ("invalid_token" === $e->getBearerReason()) {
// the token we used was invalid, possibly revoked, we throw it away
/* no valid access token available, go to authorization server */
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
header("Location: " . $api->getAuthorizeUri($context));
throw $e;
Pay special attention to the BearerErrorResponseException
where both the
access token and refresh token are deleted when the access token does not work.
If that happens, the browser is redirected like in the case when there was no
token yet.
The above situation assumed you already had a valid access token. If you didn't you got redirected to the authorization server where you had to accept the request for access to your data. Assuming that all went well you will be redirected back the the redirection URI you registered at the OAuth 2.0 service.
The of the Callback
class is very similar to the Api
class. We assume you
also create the ClientConfig
object here, like in the Api
case. The
contents of this file are assumed to be in callback.php
try {
$cb = new Callback("foo", $clientConfig, new SessionStorage(), new \Guzzle\Http\Client());
header("HTTP/1.1 302 Found");
} catch (AuthorizeException $e) {
// this exception is thrown by Callback when the OAuth server returns a
// specific error message for the client, e.g.: the user did not authorize
// the request
echo sprintf("ERROR: %s, DESCRIPTION: %s", $e->getMessage(), $e->getDescription());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// other error, these should never occur in the normal flow
echo sprintf("ERROR: %s", $e->getMessage());
This is all that is needed here. The authorization code will be extracted from
the callback URL and used to obtain an access token. The access token will be
stored in the token storage, here SessionStorage
and the browser will be
redirected back to the page where the Api
calls are made, here index.php
You can store the tokens either in SessionStorage
or PdoStorage
. The first
one is already demonstrated above and requires no further configuration, it
just works out of the box.
$tokenStorage = new SessionStorage();
The PDO backend requires you specifying the database you want to use:
$db = new PDO("sqlite:/path/to/db/client.sqlite");
$tokenStorage = new PdoStorage($db);
In both cases you can use $tokenStorage
in the constructor where before we
put new SessionStorage()
there directly. See the PHP PDO documentation on how
to specify other databases.
Please note that if you use SQLite, please note that the directory you write the file to needs to be writable to the web server as well!
In order to log all the requests the OAuth library makes to the token endpoint it is possible to use e.g. the Monolog adapter for this. Below is an example on how to do this. For production systems you may want to integrate with your own logging framework, set the appropriate log level, e.g. only log on errors.
So instead of just using
new Client()
You can use the following snippet:
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Log\LogPlugin;
use Guzzle\Log\MessageFormatter;
use Guzzle\Log\MonologLogAdapter;
/* create the log channel */
$log = new Logger('my-app');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(sprintf("%s/data/client.log", __DIR__), Logger::DEBUG));
$logPlugin = new LogPlugin(new MonologLogAdapter($log), MessageFormatter::DEBUG_FORMAT);
$httpClient = new Client();
Now you can feed the $httpClient
to the Api
and Callback
classes and the
requests and responses including their bodies will be logged.
The API documenation can be generated using
Sami, Sami is part of the require-dev
in the Composer file.
$ php vendor/bin/sami.php update doc/php-oauth-client.php
This will output HTML in the build/
In order to run the tests you can use PHPUnit. You can run the tests like this:
$ php /path/to/phpunit.phar tests
from the directory. Make sure you first run
php /path/to/composer.phar install
before running the tests.