Improve #[instrument(ret, err)] handling for tracing-opentelemetry #2316
Netlify / Pages changed - tracing-rs
Sep 30, 2023 in 1m 2s
12 new files uploaded
11 generated pages and 1 asset changed.
Changed pages include:
- tracing_journald/index.html - view
- tracing_log/index.html - view
- tracing_error/index.html - view
- tracing_log/trait.normalizeevent.html - view
- tracing_log/trait.aslog.html - view
- tracing_log/trait.astrace.html - view
- tracing/attr.instrument.html - view
- tracing_attributes/attr.instrument.html - view
- tracing_error/struct.errorsubscriber.html - view
- tracing_journald/struct.subscriber.html - view
There are more changes not included in the list